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Yeah, me again =x

Sorry for the new topic but decided to try something different with the advice given to me previously, might try and better the previous charset but I'm not sure yet.

Well, I guess this is a (white ties?) battle sprite :tongue2: but was just something I wanted to try.

Credit for the template goes to: (help I forgot =[ ) (Tana for the KVSB, ShowKaizer for the Kaizer template :wink: - Ven)
Also credit for the legs and the right arm goes to dollmage, (hope you dont mind, if you do I'll remove it)

Now, I'm finding the shading on the hat, mainly the centre, a real pain. But I think the rest is...ok...

So have I improved? (in a day? I expect way too much)

1) You pillow-shaded the arm, don't do that. Since your light source is pointing in front of the character, the highlight should be closer to the left side of the arm.

2) Sorry if this sounds a bit too "personal preference" but please choose a different color for the eyes, as it is hard to see and blends too well with the hair.

3) The hat should cast a shadow, so you should add some darker values to the hair in coordination to the shadow casted and your light source.

4) The rim of your hat needs a highlight to show that it's not... Flat. Don't worry, I get kind of confused with how to shade/add highlights to such objects myself. Try searching for images of similar hats to get a good example, that usually helps.

You didn't do too much of a bad job, but it could definitely use some improvement.
Darn, thought the arm looked better lol >.< k gotcha

I see what you mean about the eyes..

I did use darker colours for the hair under the hat, but thought it needed some variation =x guess I was wrong

Yeah the hat was a grrrrawr moment of frustration. Good idea with searching for similar hats though ^^ wewt.

Pwomise I wont post another random topic until I get a bit better now heh. :blush:

Thank you ratty  :cheers: and Ven for the edit ^^

http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l112/molkosminion/sprites/witchylarge_2.png[/img] arm and hat still not happy with but...=s and I did change the hair slightly lol
light source on the arm is still off. you just moved the pillow shading over... XD
The MAIN highlights on the arm should be on the top (and a little on the left side) of the shoulder... and on the top part of the forearm...

also, her hair looks dead and limp, you might wanna make it "flow" more... like flow over the front of her shoulder... anddd... there seems to be too much of a space bettween the eyes and the nose... im not sure what it would look like if you took out a pixel width, but try it... OR maybe its jsut something about the nose in that style that pisses me off :\
=x Whoops that's what I thought Ratty meant with the arm.

The nose/eye is how it was on the template xP didn't change that.

Guess I could try something with the hair.

Thanks ^^

Well first I tried to fix the pillow shading on the arm resulting in this: http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l112/ ... arge_3.png[/img]

And it just didn't look right to me...so I decided to make the arm smaller: http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l112/ ... lerarm.png[/img]

And finally tried something with the hair, not sure if this is better or whatnot so any C&C is good: http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l112/ ... irdiff.png[/img]

^^ At least I try heh

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