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WIP Tileset and Character






*New* Added my character which I could use some feedback on as well.

Its a WIP got a few things to work on but wanted some feedback. Please note that graphics are not finally. Working on getting the style/layout first then I will go back and edit the colors and what not. Overall looking for feedback on how it looks, style, etc.

**Added a screenshot of some windows.**
**Added Character**

Thanks in advance.
that is one of the more original tile sets I've seen.
it looks quite amazing.
Your perspective is odd, especially with stairs it becomes noticeable.
The detail is nice but your shading is ridiculous! Secondly the walls and slodiers are nice but the floor and rug don't seem to fit with them.

Your character sucks! Sorry I know it's not part of the tileset but it's an eye sore! :crazy:
Yeah I am working on the shadows now. The colors of the stuff on the tileset are a wip. Focusing on getting things in then go back once I have everything there, colored. Aye I know, sorry about the character, but it's the template I wish to use so I have it setup as the character so I can see and adjust things based on it. Plus I sux at making a character sprite.

***Added a new screenshot****
I would fix the side-walls. Your not doing isometric. Side walls are usually a line, you don't see them slanted at all. Just a line.

If you drew your sprites and furniture at a different angle then it would be ok... but the way your sprite is angled. it seems as if the walls are like this.




The perspective is...unique, at best; I understand what you're trying to do (give more dimension, show more stuff, etc) but unfortunately it comes across as an inability to do correct perspective.  Also, the stairs are wrong: at least one (if not more) steps should be coming away from the wall at the bottom, and the topmost step needs to seem like it's actually leading to the next floor.
Ok think i fixed the shadows, will post an image soon.

As for the walls:


that is actually how i was wanting them. Look at Zelda Link to the past. I wanted the side walls viewable. Anything not a side wall or goes on a side wall looks normal. The stairs I think are ok, I have  a few ideals on how to work on them but still open for suggestions.
Hmm, this seems like it'd work better with a more top-down view sprite style. Whichever sprites are three-fourths view, so they're really incompatible with the tiles, which is why it looks odd. Come up with a custom template that fits and it'll look much better.
Heh, just saw the update and my only advice is angle the side all bricks...

the walls are diagonal, so the vertical lines in the bricks need to be as well.

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