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Well, back in day all I used to ever want to do is make Doctor Who games and now my spriting isn't too bad I figure I can do something to contribute to people who want to now
I'm making progress on finishing the complete Capaldi sheet, meanwhile I've also overhauled my Matt Smith sprite. I wasn't happy with how his tweed looked and thought the bow tie was too big, so I've edited his jacket to tone down the speckling and give him a smaller bow tie. Also designed his Series 7 variant (Although I'll probably redo the hair on the latter as it's more slicked back in the later seasons).
That bow tie looks better, yeah. Needs a few though. Fezes are cool. (Actually I think there's already a fez in the RTP, you could probably take it just like that).
The hair on them's spot on really, although Tom baker's is hard to show in small pixels.