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[WIP][CH] Characters for my game

These are three wip's for my game. It's an MMORPG, and I decided to make everything myself (graphic-wise, that is).

There is:

Default character:
Wearing purple here, will come in a variety of colours to choose from in a character creation type thing. Wearing dark dyed denim jeans.

Town Guard:
Guards certain towns. Wears "tights", steel boots, and a metal plated armless body.

Works in bars and pubs all over the world. Will come in other colours too. Wears a full body-length apron, long sleeved woollen top, and here is wearing blue jeans and leather boots.

These characters and this template are for the sole use of Lost Fantasy and other WDSoft projects. Do not use them!


Note: Heads are temporary. Just added them for display purposes.
The actual template, character animation is a bit.... stiff. Also the town gaurd should have something special to signify its a gaurd
I used the wrong template (doh). I gotta remake some of the sprites now =)

I have two templates I made, an older one and a newer one. The newer one is less stiff.
The biggest problem- for me- is that the up and down positions look almost exactly the same.

Also, it seems very cramped in there. Remember that RMXP automatically sizes the frames, so you could leave more room between sprites (so long as it's equal). That way, it'd be much, much easier to work with the template.

It's a good start, though. I'll give you some more proer feedback when you settle on a head.



I hate them and that's all I'm going to say. I won't give you any criticism whatsoever and just say they suck. YHAYYY!!!

But anyway, they're pretty good. Lol the gangsta walk thing is pretty awesome. :satan-lol:
The style is unique, but it might not be that easy to get used to. I'm going to be a
Myonosken":3aluzxai said:
shading nazi
and say that it needs at least one more darker and lighter value.
Okay, first is the walking animation, as it has been said, that looks aweful. It's far too stiff in the front, which doesn't fit with the sides, which look more like a swagger. Second, personal preference leads me to hate them.

They aren't really horrible, I just don't like them personally. Then again, I've only seen a couple styles that I DO like: Kaiser, half-Kaiser, RTP, and one other one. I can' remember the name.
Meh. Yours is okay, I guess. I like my character sprites decently-proportioned, save for the head, which can be big. Yours look a little odd at the feet. Like they're pointed.



No offence mate but fair enough ripping off nearly everything off Runescape idea wise but now ripping off the exact way the NPC's look? Thats just a sign that you have no originality. As for the sprites they have little shading, there movement is a little off and I expect you'll be doing "Black King Dragons" and what not and they would look horrible in this style, even more so than they did on Runescape its self. ^_^ Just my 2 cents though.
You what? No offense mate but are you intent on making everyone hate my game? there are three characters there.

One of them has leather trousers and a platebody. That's what guards of towns and cities in medieval times would have worn.


One of them is wearing pretty much normal clothes.

One of them has an apron.

This is a Runescape Guard.


Note that he is wearing a helmet, has no shoulder pads, is wearing a chainmail body not platemail, has black trousers instead of brown, etc.

In what way am I "now ripping off the exact way the NPC's look?"

You are just pissed off because somebody else is making an MMORPG with the RPG Maker. Go and make your own game instead of fricking slagging off my game will you?


Anyway, new version of the Town Guard characterset.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/ ... adless.png[/IMG]

I added a cape, and I also fixed the walking animation a bit. No longer do his arms bend backwards when walking downwards! :)

I also fixed some of the shading a bit and beheaded him.

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