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WIP "Cella"

NEW as of 10-08-07:
90% completed sideview Battler:
http://img31.picoodle.com/img/img31/9/1 ... 954610.png[/img]


Welp, I'm over at my relaives house until Christmas eve, so with time away from college and having the burden of work, I've finally decided to sprite once again. Meet Cella. (And if anyone was wondering <or even cared for that matter> I'm working once again on Chasing Citsuaki.) Anyways. C/C.

Edit: I made a faceset for her. woot.

The faceset is really good (although I would work on making the lines on the curve of her head less jagged).

The sprites is a bit odd. You're pillow shading and it doesn't look too good. If I were you, I'd look at one of Kazier's sprites for a reference on shading.
Lene;119682 said:
The faceset is really good (although I would work on making the lines on the curve of her head less jagged).

The sprites is a bit odd. You're pillow shading and it doesn't look too good. If I were you, I'd look at one of Kazier's sprites for a reference on shading.

':| ironically I was trying to emulae the way he shaded a little bit... guess I didn't execute it as well huh? Well I'll continue working on it while I'm here and I'll post more as I go along... as for the faceset it was just something I whipped up.. woot. Anyways thanks for the input Lene!
Aww the faceset looks cute. Her eyebrows might be a bit too high though. Oh and to avoid pillow shading. Pillow shading = outling the folds from dark to light. Instead figure out where the light source is... usually top left in most cases with walking sprites. So from there your fold shouldn't be dark on both sides. Pick a side consistant with the light. Also try shading without the folds first and add them in later. The actual garment flat should be shaded with the light source in mind as well (and to follow the body's dips and folds). Hope that helps ya. Your lines are great. :D



http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7536 ... acedn8.png[/img]

Firstly i must say this is a very good paint job, i've tried doing this before and its so so turn out really but you look you have it nailed pretty much. But yeah lets get down to business.


A - The eyes brows are way too high, if i had eyebrows that high i would be extremely worried...make sure they are about 3 or 4 pixels higher then the top of the eye.

B - Her right ear is out of proportion and obscure...her ear seems to be some what balled and rounded compared to the other and it needs to be longer as in ratio it doesnt match up.

C - Certain lines need to be revised...alot of it is edgy and too sharp...go around and remove the double pixelling as this is one of the main cause but also try and smooth out the curves.

D - Shading and Toning, your face lacks any form of it so i would recommend sorting that out, pretty easy job.

E - The hair is wrong her...the way that has been designed looks like it has came out from the front of her head at the fringe but instead its coming out the top of her head and it doesn't match up...i recommend either removing it or lowering it down to the fringe.

Peace Out!
Mac;120077 said:

Firstly i must say this is a very good paint job, i've tried doing this before and its so so turn out really but you look you have it nailed pretty much. But yeah lets get down to business.


A - The eyes brows are way too high, if i had eyebrows that high i would be extremely worried...make sure they are about 3 or 4 pixels higher then the top of the eye.

What? It's fine. The expression totally changes if the eyebrow position is moved. Besides its a cartoon and exaggerated forms of the happiness expression are the norm.
B - Her right eye is out of proportion and obscure...her ear seems to be some what balled and rounded compared to the other and it needs to be longer as in ratio it doesnt match up.
The eye is fine because of the angle of her face. If anything I'd make the bottom curve of the eye to my left curve a little bit more up, but it's not grossly out of proportion.
C - Certain lines need to be revised...alot of it is edgy and too sharp...go around and remove the double pixelling as this is one of the main cause but also try and smooth out the curves.

Okay I agree with that.

D - Shading and Toning, your face lacks any form of it so i would recommend sorting that out, pretty easy job.
He could shade, but he doesn't *have* to. It not glaringly in need of shading in my opinion.

E - The hair is wrong her...the way that has been designed looks like it has came out from the front of her head at the fringe but instead its coming out the top of her head and it doesn't match up...i recommend either removing it or lowering it down to the fringe.

Peace Out!

Again, what? I'd give those bangs a bit more shape but I'm not seeing what you're pointing out as an error.
Whoa.. lol I feel really lucky to get such great feedback from everyone! Where to start...

@Kiniko: Shade the skin? hmmm.. I'm afraid it'll mess with the way the overall sprite looks...

@Raven: Thaks for the awesome input! ^_^ When I was making the sprite I was kind of glancing at one of SK's spirtes and how he colored... I was trying really hard to emulate his style as i noticed that he tended to have darker shadows on the outer edges of the char shape. But I see now that he had a light source and sure enough it seems to be a little more towards the left (or aleast that's how I'm perceiving it now) I'm going to attempt to change it up after this post, and I'll add it here to show that outcome!

@Mac and Lene: Thanks guys for the detailed explanations! As for the faceset, it was done on MS paint, so that might explain as to the jagged lines and looking at it now, the eyebrows might be a lil high, but I dunno.. I kinda like it... I suppose it's just a matter of personal style which really dictates whether or not something looks a bit out of proportion... I dunno I think I'm leaning towards Lene with this one, but nonetheless I truly appreciate the great input here!


Started a battler too.. not shaded yet tho..
EDIT: CRAP. Sorry didn't mean to double post... added new stuff in the previous post that was posted here.. sorry.. if a mod could delete this post ^^;;
Mac;120324 said:
Sorrry on B where i said Eye i meant Ear i've changed it now. But yeah her right ear is off.

Ok I can actually see that a bit... I wasn't too concerned with the faceset, rather more on the sprite itself, but good input. When I work on the faceset I'll change that up too.
The Sprite
Okay better... but you are still pillow shading the folds... and it almost looks like you just shifted the pillowshading. Hmm... Try looking at something like this...
Simple Obejct shading
A doll shading tutorial for folds

The Battler
Man those boobs are too big! :D Look at the size of them compared to the walking one. I know the Kaiser sprite is bigger than the HK but still... The leg on the left side (her right) looks akward. It's facing as though it were compleatly turned around. In the postion I think you're going for the leg should be more face forward persepctive facing toward the viewer. Her back arm looks a bit smaller or missing a piece. Her arm bent like the would need a larger/longer forearm. Forarm length = upper arm length.
@Raven: Damn, awesome examples!! Ok I've started on the spirte a bit.... how's this working out so far?


I'm still working on the battler lol... I'll post when I finish changes to it.

Again, truly appreciate the help!

EDIT: Worked on the battler a bit... how's this?

EDIT# 2: Here's a side by side comparison of the old VS. new...

The battlers right leg seems to be... kinda twisted, like its broken multiple times.
That looks a bit odd. Her right foot and knee should point to the left side.
Don't forget to shade her forehead.
I really like her Design, though and the hair's looking good to me!
The edit on the battlers right leg has made it look hugley improved. However it look's like you have edited her right breast and it has a straight line down in, maybe you should alter that. I really admire your style J.D, Unique and original just what the forum needs. I will check this again to see your progress
@Saint Minor & Sapphire: Yeah I figured I'd need more work on her leg (and maybe her boob lol)... thanks for the input guys, it means a lot to have some good feedback with something I'm really working on. Anyways, I'm flying back home today so there might not be any updates until tomorrow, but thanks again everyone!
The Sprite
Ah yes much better! I think you're starting to get it now. The shorts look great. ^_^ The sleves look much better. The only thing that might need a little work is the shirt area. Don't forget breasts will cast a shadow under them. There's a strange dark splotch on the breast to the left (her right) that's near the armpit. Remove that or reduce it signifcantly to maybe just a line. Another thing that makes breasts "pop" is to add a highlight in there... I think I did something like that on my Pandora sprite. If I find a link for it I'll post it to show you. Another trick that people forget is shadows on the skin from clothes and hair that falls just 1 pixle directly underneith. It makes such a difference.

The Battler
Okay breasts looking much better... I'd reduce them a bit smaller but they're fine now. Just don't hike that curve up so high on the chest (the right brest curve). You could actually get away with just the bottom of the line and see how that works. I've seen that before. (don't know if you experimented with that). Also when you turn her leg to face forward her knee needs to do that as well. It's still facing backwards. On her foot it now looks like it's facing backwards as though the heel where faceforward. Extend the shoe forward a bit maybe making it into a more oval shape (longer end vertical). Arm still needs fixing... guess you didn't get to it yet.

Overall much better J.D. I'm glad I could help ya. :)
I'm sorry but the sprite [[not the battler]] looks cross-eyed. I don't know if you can fix that or not but its really bothering me. Lol but it does look nice, and the battler looks astonishing as well. But would any female ever stand like that? ~enjoi
@Raven: yay I did good. woot. I'll work on those things you mentioned sometime tomorrow (I just finally got home... tired... bleh) But thanks again for the awesome pointers.. as for the battler I think I'm seeing more of what ur saying with the arm and overall stance...

@M.Sam: Hm? Doesn't look cross-eyed to me....

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