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Window_Command in Scene_Menu - How ones position is determined in the other...

The thread title really says it all, but to elaborate:

I've been pouring over the Scene_Menu and Window_Command scripts (Base versions), and while I can see where in Scene_Menu the Command Window is called and can successfully edit it for new commands, etc, I am unable to move it from it's standard position (IE, the left side top.) For any other window in the Scene, there is a couple of lines to define it's position on screen, but I'm not seeing one for Window_Command.

Would someone kindly point out what I'm obviously missing, so that I may put that darn window where I want it?



The command window's instance followed by ".x" or ".y". I'm not on my laptop so I don't know the name of the command window. But right below where it says something like the below line.
@commands = Command_Window.new(100, options)
You can add these two lines and the window's upper left corner will appear at 100, 100. But you can make them whatever you want.
@commands.x = 100
@commands.y = 100

Oh because "Command_Window" derives from "Window" you have those methods inherited from the parent. Usually any method defined in an ancestor/parent is usable by a child.

Good luck with it Shadriss! :thumb:
Translated : Those commands (The .x and .y) aren't used in the original menu, but can be added in. Ok, great. Thanks much. I figured it might be something along those lines, but didn't want to screw with the work I'd already done to test it. Aside from which I had about 15 other windows to look at and figure out. :)

Thanks again.



No I think I explained it poorly. Those methods already exist but not inside the class definition of Window_Command. Like let's say you have a golf club class definition.
class Golf_Club
  def distance=(x)
    @distance = x
  def arc=(x)
    @arc = x
Then later on in the script we have a putter class which derives from Golf_Club.
class Putter < Golf_Club
  def max_power(x)
    @max_power = x
And then when I make an instance of a Putter I can do something like this.
@my_putter = Putter.new
@my_putter.distance = 30
@my_putter.arc = 0
@my_putter.max_power = 1
You'll notice that just because the distance method isn't technically defined within the Putter class, I can still use the method because it is defined within the parent. The same thing is occurring when you use the method ".x" and ".y" when working with a Window_Command instance. I hope that helps you out. If you have any questions just let me know.
let's say you added / modified a method inside Golf_Club and created the Golf_Club window

class Golf_Club
  def self.distance
    @distance = x

class Window_Golf_Club < Window_Base
  def iniitialize
    super(0, 0, 160, 192) # x = 0, y = 0, width = 160, height = 192
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 96, 32, Golf_Club.distance.to_s, 1)
inside Scene_Menu you created a window like this
@golf_club_window = Window_Golf_Club.new

if you leave it as it is, it could hide the @command_window. Since you want both to be visible, you would need to do this modification inside Scene_Menu

@golf_club_window.y = 208

This would force the game to place the @golf_club_window just a few pixels below the @command_window.

let's say you want it to be on the right hand side instead... Just add this line there

@golf_club_window.x = 480

now you can either place it below the @command_window or on the right hand side at will. This is valid for any window you create in a Scene script.
Actually, I must have replied poorly. I understood what you meant. I was only saying that in the default Scene_Menu, it didn't use the .x and .y methods to determine the Window_Command position, and hence, weren't used. Therefore, since they both derived from Window_Base (as do all the other windows) I could add in those methods to Scene_Menu to redefine the position of the Command Window.

I did one CMS about a year ago, and figured out a lot of this. Just never wanted to move the command window before, so didn't look into this. Obvious in hindsight, of course.  :smile:

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