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Wild Arms encounter Script

I don't know why, but i thought of this idea last night. If anyone has played the wild arms games, they can tell you about it's unique monster encounter system.

After a certain amount of steps, a explination point will appear on top of the characters head. Green explination points would indicate with the press of the button you can avoid the battle(Because you were over-powered). White ones indicate you can skip the battle, but you lose some points(These points were gained by touching white crystals that would replenish it.) Once you ran out of points though, you had no choice to engage, I don't think the arrow even popped up. Then there is the red explination point, when that popped up you be force to battle.

So I was wondering if this was even possible? I'm assuming it is. I was thinking maybe it be better if it was done by some bar, where it would fill up by the ammount of steps you take and you could use those "points" to decrease the bar until it filled up again.
Ok. Here's the plan.

You can control and gain "encounter skip points" (you have the option of changing the name). When a battle is about to start, "Skip Battle?" will pop on the character sprite, just like damages does in the battle system. If you press a button while skip is displayed (40 frames so about 1 - 2 seconds) you can skip battle. You will lose an encounter skip point and the battle counter will reset.

Does that sound good? If you want me to make a small hud, give me a screen of what you want, but I think perhaps just a window that pops up for a few seconds after you skip battle with the number of encounter points can be displayed.
Sounds good so far, as for a HUD, let me make a mock up, just incase someone else would want to use one.

Meh on second thought no need for a HUD, I say that because I see in the game that it wasn't a HUD for wild arms rather in the menu appearently. And without customizing a menu script im guessing that can't happen so no bother there. Having it display in the window in like the bottom right corner should suffice I believe.
Sorry about that. Busy weekend.

Check in my signature under the Test Bed .4 Beta. There is a script called "Action Encounters"

It requires the MACL 2.0 (it's still under development, but you can get the essientials from the demo and just replace the folder with the new version when we release it) and the SDK 2.2 (which is also in the demo).

To allow you to use the avoid battle thing, use
$game_party.can_evade_battles = true or false

To gain encounter points, use
$game_party.action_encounter_points += n

You can customize these for now:
  Action_Encounter_Text = 'Evade Battle?'
  Evade_Encounter_Text  = 'Battle Evaded'
  Evade_Button          = Input::C

Your text is appears when a battle is about to begin and when you successfully evade a battle. The Input::C are your keys. You can choose from any option found in the help file.

I haven't done a HUD for this yet, but I will add one in the full Test Bed .4 version. I also plan to add icons for this so you have have colors instead of just words.
SephirothSpawn;178207 said:
Sorry about that. Busy weekend.

Check in my signature under the Test Bed .4 Beta. There is a script called "Action Encounters"

It requires the MACL 2.0 (it's still under development, but you can get the essientials from the demo and just replace the folder with the new version when we release it) and the SDK 2.2 (which is also in the demo).

To allow you to use the avoid battle thing, use
$game_party.can_evade_battles = true or false

To gain encounter points, use
$game_party.action_encounter_points += n

You can customize these for now:
  Action_Encounter_Text = 'Evade Battle?'
  Evade_Encounter_Text  = 'Battle Evaded'
  Evade_Button          = Input::C

Your text is appears when a battle is about to begin and when you successfully evade a battle. The Input::C are your keys. You can choose from any option found in the help file.

I haven't done a HUD for this yet, but I will add one in the full Test Bed .4 version. I also plan to add icons for this so you have have colors instead of just words.

Crap, I was afraid you would say SDK. Im afraid that some of my script salready are not SDK compatiable, at least I believe some are. No chance it can be made into a non- SDK script?

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