I think its come to the point where the supposed "Victims" are now racist. Is it really fair for me to be called a cracker, and nothing happens, but when I call someone chink, nigger, I'm jailed. Its come to a point where people get better treatment then others, and THAT is racist.
In some cases,its not our faults, Some people are afraid to reject hiring a black man to there workplace, as it might turn into a racial war. And trust me these things happen. "You can't have the job, your standards don't meet ours." "What? So your calling me stupid, because I'm black." "No, its just you don't have the proper expirience." "Racist.".
It gets out of hand in some cases too. Some people are actually able to use it against others. A man gets into a fight with another man, not much will happen.
A man gets into a fight with a gay man, doesn't matter what the outcome, it may very well be considered "Queer bashing".
Its come to a point where everything is flawed. I think everyone should be treat equally no matter WHAT. A gay guy is beaten, its not queer bashing, they get no special treatment, its assult. Live with it.
A Spaniard is called a Spick. Who cares? Its the same as calling a Frenchman a frog.
I think everyone should get there act together. People try to promote equality, but by making a man get arrested for racism for beating someone of a different race then him simply isn't equal at all.
The only reason its racism, is if he literally beat the man just for being a different race. Its only a hate crime, if you hate something about the person you performed the crime against, and did the crime for that reason.
Bitch, cracka, chink, nigger, spics fags.If you think one of those words has any power over the other, your aren't promoting equality, and are a racist. Doesn't matter what there history is, there just words. And none of them should have any power over ANYONE.