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Whites Ties battle system?

I heard that the white ties cbs was translated to english is this true? And if so can someone provide me a link? I really want the white ties cbs :)
Hmmm... There is CYBERSAM's CBS, CCOA's CBS, and Minkoff's ANIMATED BATTLERS+COGWHEEL's RTAB... Take your pick.. It is compiled by DerVVulfman in FORUMS SCRIPT LISTINGS in Submitted RGSS Scripts section..
Then is there any way I can have it to use it? I wanted to make my own White Ties game. I have ALL of the whites Ties resources. I just need the battle system and does it come with instructions?
~Atlaswing~ said:
I havent played the english version... rpgmaker, uhmm.. Can you please give me a link? PLease?

I didn't know the entire was translated. I searched for it everywhere and most said they gave up on translating it. If you'd give me the link to the "english" White Ties that'd be even better!

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