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white ties style battlers (last update Jan, 31~2k8

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Hi!!!! Your battlers are excelent :yes: well... can u create two battlers for me?? I put here the charas :D
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/5526/charafabin01su7.png[/img] he use a two handed sword
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/1502/characatalina01gx6.png[/img]she use a staff
~Atlaswing~;244328 said:
amazing. To think all these are just edits, you made them look you sprited them from scratch!
Love them!

You just inspired me! :D


i sometimes do stuff from scratch specialy monsters,
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... dragon.png[/IMG]
and take a look at the ninja and some of my other battlers they have unique poses that cant be found in the white ties battlers =)

um just wait someone requested a battler kinda like that not twohand doh, here is what he looks like, http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... REVIEW.png[/IMG]

@xeek i can only sprite from sat-sunday so please wait. till then
Hehehehe dolly (i'm sorry but I couldn't resist calling you that) from what I see of that one you're making it seems like another great sprite =D

I mean this seriously..I am addicted to your sprites and find myself eagerely waiting for the next one or checking this topic first everytime I come on to .org
Hehehehe, you said you were running out of character ideas no?

You should make a melee hand-t-hand martial artist girl called Ginger and make her like a complete psychopathic killer...XD

Just an idea ^_^ XD
You're doing pretty good work here, keep it up. Edits can be tougher than people think.

Also, as this is in recourse analysis, work a bit on shading and lightning, and when combining the white ties style with animals, make sure their styles are similiar. Cause now they are, pretty different.

You seem to be ok with "body shapes" (the term I planned to use slipped from my mind), though they could be perfected a little (I don't feel like nitpicking too badly), but seeing the boar/wolf riding thing animated, I suggest you do the other frames' linework seperately also. Animals got different structures than humans making you a bit alienated perhaphs, so pay extra attention to it.
yes the dragon is a different style, for its,for another game im making ^_^ asside from that. they all look ok to me. bout the animation i just do that i know its preety plain, its just to show ppol ^_^ that i can draw from scratch too
LordFabi;244491 said:
mmm... yeah its perfect but if you can do the battlers atack with the two hands and a normal sword ( something like the ordon sword from TLOZ: TP, here is a picture http://www.guiasnintendo.com/2a_WII/zel ... _ordon.jpg[/img] will look more better)

Thanks for help :D

sorry i will not change it to that besides i dont like the looks of that sword and its not done by me. it would clash like the guy with the bazooka, based from that experience im not gonna do that again =)

L;244699 said:
Wow dollmage....some really nice battlers here...keep them coming!

tnx L ^_^ oi watch out for them shinigami

Digimon Readerusama;244807 said:
NIIIIIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I like so much, ill use any of your productions =D

tnx so much ^_^
LordFabi;244491 said:
mmm... yeah its perfect but if you can do the battlers atack with the two hands and a normal sword ( something like the ordon sword from TLOZ: TP, here is a picture http://www.guiasnintendo.com/2a_WII/zel ... _ordon.jpg[/img] will look more better)

Thanks for help :D

a better view of the sword =)
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... /sword.png[/IMG]

@all i can only do sprites from saturday to sunday so its a realy slow process ;)

so you know what i mean :yes:


sorry for ma bad english
@err forgot your name the one who requested the pirate character here is a glimps
note: >.< its very hard to sprite that errr cloth thingy necktie T_T stuff errr this is what he turns out @_@ lots of colors this will surely take long

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... glimps.png[/IMG]

@all ok gonna sprite on saturday 3 battlers and hope to finish it by the end of sunday and post it :D
the pirate one
the black swordsman with huge huge huge sword
and another spear user with funky hair lol
all are request
edit: ups sorry for double posting T_T
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