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white ties style battlers (last update Jan, 31~2k8

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All battlers here are made by me Dollmage do give credit if use. no need to asked permission as long as you dont claim that you made this stuff and if ever you use it tell the pips playing your game that i made it tnx.  ;D

well i finaly got the confidence to display them, so what do you think im making a fan game for suikoden ehh im running out of ideas on my characters lmao hehe here are some of the chracters i made :D hope u like it

here are the list of the battlers i have made. note some of them are not shared
THe nealing white ties character shadow thing is a slot battler for male
while the other one standing is a female slot reason for this is that im making a suikoden based game with a different title.
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... s80x80.png[/img]

Minkoff Compatible
*their moves*
1 ready pose
2 hit
3 low hp
4 guard
5 move to
6 move from
7 attack
8 skills
9 limit break
10 vicotory pose
11 deadz

here are some of them in gifs
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... _Adult.gif[/img]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb135/zieg1516/Gladiator_ready_v1.gif[/img]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb135/zieg1516/Archer_v1_ready.gif[/img]
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... eature.gif[/img]

Name: Ziegfred (Adult Version)
Class: Unknown
And yes he is finaly holding a weapon ^_~/Main Character in my game

the huge axe guy ^_^ his one of my fave hehe
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... r_char.png[/img]
RTP made by me =) note i didnt made the hair its just an edit =) so there(rtp)

err the flame archer ^_^
Name: Kurei
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... cher-1.png[/img]
RTP made by los and me >.< it looks weird when walking down lol

ziegfred the main hero of my game ^_^ (a martial artist of some sort/Teen Version)
Name: Ziegfred
RTP made by azrith001
(from creation asylum)
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... ed_rtp.png[/img]

the spear user
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... Knight.png[/img]
RTP made by los

gunsman or should i say bazook note i still havent yet edited the bazooka (the bazooka is a wing of a robot found in KN)(creds to tana i use some your hit pose on this one =))

as requested by Shaifs  here is the Red head swordsman with no horns >.< i know he looks so different now, than the one i originaly post but i have that file, a  long long time ago. I dunno if i deleted it or not, any way here it is...................... the super exagurated flame swordsman >.<("i know he looks so exagerated")
lets name him
Name: Shaifs

here is the requested battler by blazinhandle the ninja guy "he named him alex ^_^ dunno why a american name for a ninja, still sounds weird to me." but dunn mind me okie ^_^ "hope you guys like it"
Name: cant think of one

a request by kasier :=) a female samurai with white armor and gold linings at the end lol
(I named her kasier lol)
this rtp is provided by kasier and edited by me.
Name: Kasier
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... er_rtp.png[/img]

battler requested by Tharantry
Battler Name: Tharantry (the one who requested this)
Job/Class: Paladin/Knight

battler requested by Xenok
Class: Lancer

this one is on my game so i didnt post to much of her animation sorry. its just to share to those who keep telling me i want that battler
Class: Temple Priestess

(requested by Shadowdude not the way the rtp look but it looks cooler well for me that is ^_^ )
Name: Mutsu (Mutsu Enmei Ryu).......hehehehe
Class: Thief/Assasin (you pick)

(requested by rpgmaster his a bluemage with a fencer's weapon

(requested by meliadul, (lightning effects got them from Azark)
Name: Meliadul
Class: Black Swordsman

requested by the darkness
Name: cant think of one
Class: Pirate
Name: N/A
Class: Pirate

just when i tot im done with it =p hehe
another one.

(neko fighter)
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... _Girl2.png[/img]
made for Halladen

Name: Kartia
Class: Black Mage

any way here she is a sexy black mage.
Requested by:
someone in creation asylum =,= 4got his name, sorry xD bud it was so long ago xD (msg me or pm me, but as soon as C-A site is back up and runnin ill find your name and post it xD

RTP: i lost it xD ahh sorry hehe.

Name: Kurapika
Class: Gunslinger
requested by xD 4got hmm xD cant realy remember sorry but do pm me if you want your name to be posted sorry bad.

Name: Akuma
Class: Dark Magician

Made for Me (lmao)(note the fire thingy are from rmxp character set =p)

Name: Kristofer
Class: King/Elemental Swordsman
Requested By: people who ask for a king/knight/Gigantic Sword

hmm rtp when someone request them there are already rtp available.
================MONSTER DEN===============

Race: Mole Shark
Habitat: Land Type mosly rocky area/mountains

Bio: A very Agresive creature which attacks anyone within its territory, lives under ground via the tunnels it make

Give credits to Alphanuts and his Team for making The game white ties and their custom sprites :D

1)What templates did i use to make this
ans: the battler's found from white ties

2)Can we use them
ans: yes other wise i wont post them here just give cred if use

3)Can we edit this and use it for our own needs yes

4)Just dont say that you made this stuff i hate it when people do that!!!!

5)Errors in my sprites
a) Anito the axe guy weapon his weapon is not the same shape as the redo post are you gonna fix that (its already fix but im not posting it)

b) Kasier her cloak dis appears when she attacks (its already fix but im not posting it)

c) Tharantyr the paladin guy his dead position his cape is kinda well too stiff
(its already fix but im not posting it)

d) The Gunsman Magnus his bazooka looks familiar
(well its suppose to its the wing for KNE) Arent you gonna change that? coz it stand so much( i already have still im not posting it)

(reasons im waiting for the people who requested it to notice it and ask for it, or im using them for my game) :yes:

e)some of the rtp arent fix,arent you gonna fix that (no to lazy)

f)I like them just the way they are so i wont change nor edit them thank you. for you good comments/weird comments/bad comments i love spriting that is all.

ms paint from the top till the guy with the bazooka user then i switch to gimp from the female to kasier till the one with shield

the guy with twoswords was first made from mspaint then re edited in gimp.
I knew I recognize some of the battlers ^^ So they're yours? Specially the gunner and the martial artist? Just asking :3 (No not the RTP)
minkoff woot why did i forgot bout that lol ^_^

not the RTP i only did the
axe guy RTP

all the battlers here i made them.

i first posted them on rmrk.net
then later on creationasylum this is the first time i have posted them here for reason i dont visit this forum that much. didnt know it spread out that much ^_^
yes i already taken a few request but im not taking any on this forum reason i dont visit this one much as i have did before been busy with my game.

try posting on
or here
These are awesome. Thanks for sharing, you have made me very happy. THese are probably some of the best I have seen in this format.
I always wanted to know where all those came from especially that red haired hand to hand guy as I've seen him everywhere.

What template do you use to create them anyway?
as it's been said before, he used MS Paint for some, and Gimp for others. These are simply fantastic. I love them. It's hard to find a good lancer battelr, and your's is the... hrmm, need a good saying... well,how about...no, maybe... unh unh... wait, I got it! it the cr?me de la cr?me.
I think they're amazing and gosh I wish I could do that kind of stuff...well I can draw and do pixel art I just don't have the artist's eye and hand as some do.
But back on-topic, they are really -wow- I'd kill for graphics like these in my current project
@all thanks for yer lovely comments :D i feel like posting the fix battlers now ^_^

i already did ask permision to post your system on to the other forums regarding my battlers but that was way way wayyyyyyyyy few months ago.
Doll I'm also excited to hear about a Suikoden like game, I really love games where you have that selection of characters and your characters look like they'd be fun, do try to keep up here, so I can follow what looks to be an amazing game.

yes that would be like 50+ battler in all.
not 120+ im not that good yet ^_^

the story is quite good i might say. im the only one working on this game so it would realy realy take a long long time to finish. ill post the fix gunner later on.
I know how it feels to have to work on something on your own, I can write but I generally suck at music and graphics and scripting..(i used too many ands there XD)

Though im learning to compose and sprite but meh im not really good at either XD

50+ is still pretty damn amazing in my eyes
im not a scripter too, i can map but not that good and i cant map big maps say 500 x 500 but i got someone to work for my 500 x 500 map :D which is good ill be using the RTP tile set but. with custom rtp characters
Hehehe I consider myself an okay mapper, and the best I can do with music is just sort of..I think remix is the word XD

If you need any advice or whatever on a map you're not sure about, I mean there would be others better to ask but im willing to look over it =D
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