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Which title?

I have made 2 titles and gotten a logo from Ellenor for my game, and would like some feedback on which I should use or what I should do differently. Here are the titles:

A more "peaceful" one, you could say:
http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee20 ... arkark.png[/img]

The regular logo (with a black background on the title screen):
http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee20 ... opyci8.png[/img]

My opinion is to go for the first one. The setting is in a medieval sort of time, and I think that the second is a bit too futuristic (somewhat). The last one is my second favorite, because with the black background, it looks quite unique.

But still, critique and give your opinion on what I should use.

First: 1
Second: 7
Last: 2

(All of the backgrounds were either made or put together in Paint.NET)

i like the second one better. It actually made me think of the aurora (northern lights) but maybe just cause i can see them quite a bit. Anyway i personally like how the words seem to glow on that one. It really makes them Pop for me :D
To be blunt, #1 is very amateurish; it's painfully obvious that you just rendered difference clouds and slapped a gradient on top. In general, don't use filters to generate backgrounds and stuff unless you can modify it so heavily it's totally unrecognizable.

#2 looks kinda like a Mac desktop with your game logo thrown on top. Because the logo is so complex, you don't want to take attention from it by cluttering the background, which you've done here; also, the textures and colors aren't consistent, and the contrast looks random rather than deliberate. You go from smoky, mottled warm colors to clean cool lines. The first one has more consistency even if it's a filter.

That said, I like #3. The logo works fine by itself--like I said, I don't like the cluttered backgrounds you have--and if you're having the new game/continue/quit box on top of it, you don't want to make it too busy. So just move the logo up so said box doesn't cover it and you're good.




Its clean and simple.  Often times people overload EVERYTHING with amateur photoshop filters and it ruins everything.
Well I'm not exactly trying to make myself look like a pro, I just want the background to go well with my game and also want some feedback. Not saying that I don't appreciate your criticism.



vennie he said the third would be on black (i think?) :3

@ arko

you should always strive for the best.  why settle for less when you can achieve more?
Yes the third one would have a black background. Also, for your last comment, Rare: I usually do go for the best I can go for, but I would rather do it for something, in my opinion, a bit more important.

I just thought of something...

The first picture reminds me of a story in the bible where 3 angels helped a guy get out of a furnace. I think it had something to do with King Nebuchadnezzar (sp?).
Arkotrath":34wr0wes said:
The first picture reminds me of a story in the bible where 3 angels helped a guy get out of a furnace. I think it had something to do with King Nebuchadnezzar (sp?).
wow, you read my mind, thats EXACTLY what i was thinking too!
except not in the least.
Man this vication is long... I think I am ready for home...

anyway, I really like the second one it's just preaty and reminds me of the ocean for some reason.

Hmm... apparently no one agrees with me. But at least that is what this thread is supposed to be about. It shouldn't just be the the producer's opinion that matters, it should also be the consumers'.

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