Sixters, Giuliani is no longer in the running ;'). I'm sure ya knew, but you're talkin bout him as if he's still running.
His support went to McCain -- the second most liberal republican candidate after Paul, which is actually so conservative that he seems liberal. Unfortunately, McCain is liberal in the wrong areas ...
sixtyandaquarter":382io1ga said:
But Rudy Gui has turned around and done somethings I'm really not for. Including the sudden switch of change over a bill involving civil unions. The Empire State Pride Agenda, who are actually easy to piss off, even hailed him at one point almost 10 years ago, and he fought for civil unions along the way. The moment presidential runs come and he turns around and all the mummers of being "to liberal" come out and he flips flops.
Literally on the last possible moment he can make a stand he says it comes too close to marriage, he's not comfortable with it, and starts balking against it with all these red faced old men. I can't endorse such a drastic change, merely to get voter turn out. It's selling out, either this is what he felt and he lied the whole time, or he's lying now. Either way.
Well you see, you have to realize the politics we face today.
Giuliani registered with republicans because he's too against tax-and-spend economics to associate with democrats, which sadly is their main agenda today. However, nowadays, esp. after Bush's fuck up, the only republican voters will be people who're hardcore conservatives--people who only care about pro-life, pro-war, anti-gay.
Not wanting to completely balk all of his platforms, he skewed his words in an attempt to gain conservative support, while still bolstering his underlying, more liberal platforms (namely, gay rights and womens' rights), by saying that, he's leaving them in the hands of local govm't. This is not a flip flop. In fact, it's the smartest route. Presidents have no right making judicial calls, and that should be in the hands of the judicial system, based on the wants of the demographics in the areas.
I would not call this selling out, or even flip-flopping. I'd call it pandering. Everyone does it. Clinton and Obama put on the Suthern Twang when they go dan sawth, and Rudy would skirt around direct questions concerning his liberal platforms.
All that the presidential campaign has become, is a popularity contest. It's not even about agendas anymore. I don't think anyone even knows that Clinton's health care reforms may cost the nation over 110 billion dollars a year, increasing every year, with speculations of it costing well over 300 billion in 5 years. And where does she plan on getting the money? Tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
And she's definitely not the only one, although in tax-and-spend economics, she's the worst.
But what I'm saying is, people only know the candidates for their plans, not for how they're going to enact said plans. What I liked about Rudy was that he clearly stated that he would leave women's rights in the hands of the judges and the local govm'ts (YES), that he wanted to bolster the middle class with a firmer plan for entreprenuerialship (yes I know I massacred that word), that he wanted to leave gay rights in the hands of the judges and local govm'ts (which would effectively make it easier for gays to move to more liberal areas to gain rights), and that he had a plan to relieve the deficit by slowly pulling troops out while finding better routes to making/pumping our own fuel so that we do not have to rely on imports. On those issues, he never wavered, even though he did try to skirt around some things so to not lose conservatives (despite the fact that he did, unfortunately).
To make this post more on topic, the above - the thing that R.G. signed and the fight before flip flopping - that's the president I'd want. Someone who isn't going to use religious or social taboos as an excuse for bigotry and the resentment of people who act a little differently.
My sentiments exactly. What's unfortunate is that you and I are looking for an Independent candidate. And that just isn't gonna happen. Not for a good long time, anyhow. So it's either Liberal Republican or Conservative Democrat(ha), and that means that their campaigns will be rife with skirting around the issues and pandering.