To die in such a spectacular, mind-bending, stomach-wrenching way that I am never forgotten until the end of days. Hopefully while I am fully aware of what is happening.
Failing that, to be thrown into an active volcano as an alternative to cremation.
QuantumMindGames":2mp0mtbp said:
Hopefully this is ingenious:
wish to become a god.
then, not only are you immortal and cannot die, but you can do anything - literally. and if you do die... well, just wait a few days and you'll be back :angel:
Really, that depends on how far up you are on the scale of godliness. If you're towards the bottom end, like a Greek/Roman God, then you can technically die, and you would stay dead. Or, you could be all the way at the top of the scale, with the logic-defying abilities and powers of the Christian God, with his omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. In which case you may very well wish you were dead. I mean, honestly. The human brain cannot handle omniscience, and if you tried to exercise your omnipotence, you probably wouldn't have to control necessary to avoid crushing the world like a cockroach, because you weren't born to it. And lets fact it, walking on water is overrated. Hell, there's a lizard that does it. (Which is actually called a basilisk, believe it or not)