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What's in a word


It's a site where a myriad of letters litter a screen, and it's your job to arrange said letters into whatever word or sentence you can think of. Though, you'll have to contend with others (in real time) who also have their own plans, seeing as there are not enough letters for everyone.

It's completely and utterly pointless, but it's strangely fun. Help me try to advertise rmxp.org :). I'm currently in english room#1
It's utterly pointless but it's strangely addicting. I was in English one for a while, though...added Doc to someone's What's Up. Then people started stealing letters and forming weird piles and it got weird.
People get pissed off when you start to insult them with that ;)

EDIT: I think it might be moderated; whenever you get in something they don't like, they throw in a bunch of extra letters and take yours and throw them in random places.

EDIT 2: I think I saw Raziel spell out "Raziel" so I put "Hi Raz!"

Like Lene said: stupid but strangely addicting.
Nah, it's not moderated at all. I mean, sometimes you get people making giant penises and such. It's basically free for all and you just have to be quick (especially when you get 100+ people in the room). I suggest we schedule raids to flood the room with RMXP propaganda ;)

BTW, anyone who's bored enough, check on over the bottom left-hand corner of english room#1, heh

*Applauds those who helped*
I've seen something like this, only it was a thing where you changed a pixel here or there, just from black to white, but others were doing it too. This is kinda like kids playing with a magnet board. lol Just can't see who the other kid is.
I started a letter war. I made a tiny pile, conquering one corner, until I had competition. So I started a new one in the top left corner and a bunch of people joined in. There were a couple non conformists though. Eventually we grouped all the letters in the corner. Such pointless fun. :)

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