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What used to be, has now become

It used to be the five of us, just sitting at the tables,
Smiling and laughing were two things we always did back then,
One of them meant more to me, than the rest ever could,
I still care for her today, two years afterwards.

As summer drew to an end, all I remember is a talk,
For an hour we talked about anything we wanted,
she and I.

That hour passed, and the summer closed its door right in my face,
now I cry over what I never said.
She told me she had another, a boy of our own age,
Although he cared for her, she still cared for me.
Pressure and pressure for the first kiss,
yet she wanted me, but I refused.

I never told her, how much she meant to me.
How much I cared for her, as she could always see.
I knew the day I came back, she was gone for good.
She'd moved away forever.
I could never tell her,
How I feel.

We started out as five people, that I know for sure.
But I tell you now, boy, this story is far from done!

The second one of whom I knew was a tiny girl.
We all towered over her, yet she was like play-do.
She could flex every way possible, beyond human belief.
But she too left, she too has met defeat.

The third girl, has the shortest story of all.
Her death was met by our forgetting,
her life was lost with time.

The fourth one stayed there for good,
a friend of mine I hope forever.
When I came in and heard her name,
a flutter went across my chest.
I knew she wasn't the one I loved,
but still she was my friend.
I was skittish to approach her,
to ask if she was the one,
who I remembered.

When I gained the courage to ask,
my response was a hug across the chest.
I knew that I wouldn't leave, not to forget the last one.

I found out the stories of all the others, how they had left and gone.
How she had been so sad that we, had all just become.

The first girl to leave was my love,
but not on her own accord.
Her parents moved away,
and she had to go as well.

The second one is a mystery.
She just happened to leave.
No one has kept contact,
because no one seemed to think that she would be gone.

The third girl, as explained,
disappeared as well.
Her memory in our heads is gone,
her body is vague in our eyes.

The fourth one I now know,
is the one whom I must trust.
For she is the only one besides me,
who has decided to stay.

When I came back from my journey,
each summer anew,
I felt something wrong when I only saw her.

Our group of five has gone to two,
and that may dwindle to one.
But g-d do I hope it doesn't,
for then I'm the only one!

This is a story, not a rhyme for anyone who was wondering.
It is about my summer experiences, and how I left my camp three years ago, from my little clique which idolized me, and adorned me, to find my own way in the world for a bit.

When I returned I found out that only one girl had stayed, and I cried, for I... just knew that the others wouldn't come back.

I only have contact with one girl, the one who stayed at this camp. If she hadn't stayed I'd be sad, for then I would have been the only one.

I honestly wish I could take back time, but keep my maturity the same. I want to be with Alicia again, the one I love. I'll find her number during camp, and I'll call her. When I do, I hope she remembers me. If she doesn't... I don't know.

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