I rarely if ever played an RPG for anything but the storyline, so I wasn't very thorough with NPCs, Sidequests, or any of that; at least until I completed the game once, mind you. I would look up the plot of the internet, but I'm pretty sure most of you would agree it's just not as satisfying.
FPS/TPS games are my primary department, and I play these often. My role here varies depending on what gametype I'm playing, but I'm usually playing a support sniper or a rifleman. I'll occasionally go Rambo mode with a LMG if I'm in the mood, but that's a pretty rare occurrence.
RTS Games are not my department. My usual strategy here is to sit back and build up a solid defense before starting on a large offensive force. TBQH I think this is a better alternative to the rushing strategy (if a rusher goes up against an anti-rusher, it's over fast and it's ugly).
In general gaming, I am a serious achievement whore. I will play through a campaign three times just to get the frikin' gamerscore out of it, even if it is hours of mediocrity (coughBFBC1cough).