Ceroscuro":259ms4kq said:
Haha there's no way they'll consider that. They do understand that part of what draws people is the fact that it's so simplistic... but at the same time I'm sure goog's trying to push other products too.
P.S. It doesn't matter if you mouse over the links... just if you move the mouse at all. However, they set it to automatically focus the cursor in the search box, so if you just start typing and don't move the mouse, you'll never see any of the other stuff. Some UX designer is a genius.
That owns :smile:
EDIT: That probably isn't a very constructive reply, right? Well, Google is just the best.
Another thing, if you want schientific results for queries, try
Wolfram Alpha, if you for example enter 4x²+5x+6 you get
this, a whole list of mathematical answers from that input. If you enter elephant, you get a page about elephants (academic!), but if you enter Hb Games, you get nothing. Seems like we aren't scientific enough :sad: