@$t3v0: I have to agree. They also have the uncanny ability to drive entire lumps of communities to shit. Since you're from what, Liverpool(?), you should see it too. The government bungs the useless ones who sponge off society and exist in the country simply for an easy ride in northern cities, I notice. But what I'm getting at is that once a few immigrants are in close proximity, they multiply like rabbits, forming a subcommunity of NO WHITES ALLOWED, which is generally inconvenient when people need to go through, and causes nothing but trouble and unrest.
I have no problem with useful immigrants, mind.
@Despain, Venetia: I hate it too. So many friends of mine quickly became former-friends when they decided that long har on a fag was a good enough invite to invade my personal space. The only person out of my irl friends that I would even allow to touch my hair (outside of dixxuck) is Wumpi, who understands how important it is to me, and as such doesn't do it. When men (and sometimes women) mistake me as a girl from behind (common), they often stroke my hair. Not only do they feel my backhand, I'm sure they feel incredibly stupid for mistaking a fat fag with a beard and an air of general unkemptness as a woman. Unless they like scruffy, hairy women that is.