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What is love?



Like the name of this thread says. I think that the word "love" gets thrown around a bit too much and too freely but that's just me. What do you think love means?


Awesome Bro

I'm sure there was a thread like this a few weeks ago? I could be wrong though. I just remember Minkoff giving a good reply that made me lol.
seriously though, love to me is only something that comes from God. So love, is a part of God. Love though encompasses many things like, patience, kindness, slow to judge, doesn't anger easily, all knowing, compassion. I think those are some atributes of love, I'm sure you can add more to it.
Love is like life, in that an individual defines it for himself. To me, love is the next step up from mutual respect. Personally, I believe people need to distinguish better within themselves between love and lust.
Love is basically chemicals in the brain that trigger that certain effect in your mind, so that you attribute the word love with those feelings. However, if you look from it in a non-literal sense, then it's easy to define love as just caring about someone, and respecting them deeply.



Love is a cheap product created by media and centuries of pure, poetic bullshit. Animals don't have to fall in love to have a good time, why should we? Goddamn humans.
You don't need to respect someone to love them. Not in the least.
Love is an emotion. It's like saying "What is pain?" or "What is hunger?". Since it's a basic experience, through which you describe other experiences, you might as well ask "What is an experience?". You can define it, but you can't say what it's like, because the whole point is that either it's itself or other things are like it.

People get way over the top about love. You don't have to want to spend your whole life with someone to love them. You don't have to 'have your heart broken' to love someone. When you feel love, contrary to popular belief, you won't instantly know. You don't have to do anything - you either do, or don't love someone. It's like joy, but more. No one can tell you when you're happy, but then it's not always easy to know when you are happy anyway.

That's most romantic love, anyway. It's just a deficiency in the English language that we use the same word for lots of things.



But if you do love someone then you 'should' respect them. I don't know anything about love though, except that, when you need love you don't have enough of it, and when you'd rather be alone love is always waiting for you to get home. Love has a funny way of forcing you to be happy.
To me, love is what we think of it. We created it, to attend to some of our needs... So... we only love if we believe in love...

And,when you're questioning "what is love?" , you're attending to other need: To express your creation as something special, abstract, dificult to understand...

Other thing that I partially believe is a theory that I invented(or maybe saw somewere else), based on the religions origins theory(that say we created religion because we efar death and what comes after it): "we created love because we have the fear to say to someone else that he/she is sexy and we're attracted by him/her, so we say we love him/her and make it a sweet feeling instead of a carnal atraction"

that's what I think...



Myonosken;156331 said:
Yeah poetic bullshit is good though man. Someone sounds bitter.

It's the internet! Everyone's bitter. :D

To avoid looking like I'm spamming profusely~

Love is a splendid thing that makes people happy and sad. Happy because it feels nice, sad because you don't have it in your life. ^_^b

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