I'm a very tickely person , I get irretated by .. Well "A lot" .. (Hotheaded ..)
But the things that irretate me most is ;
When someone cleans up , resulting in me not finding anything anymore ...
Thus , I'm looking over whole the house looking olmost everywhere except for the damn spot where
the thing I am looking for is at . (Stress chicken lol :haha: )
or , when I'm walking around in the streets and suddenly I hear .. "Stupid Belgium"..
But that god damn low live , son-of-a-bitches , as fucking (sorry for those who can't stand swearing) ..
Never mind who , don't want to be called a racist

(yes THEY irretate me!)
Peopple who only speak 1 langauge or more and expect that everyone knows THAT language perfectly ,
(and if you think language is hard , like me .. thats pretty irretating)
Especially if you never use it , or barely ... (Most poepple try to speak good even though they can't , reactions like 'Go learn the language , or something like that are REALLY irretating then)
Venetia":8ku5dvqm said:
But I can't stand it when people "smack" when they eat (eat with their mouth open). Really nothing turns me off food like when I'm sitting in a restaurant and the guy behind me is "smack" "smack" "smack" "smack" *wet noises* *suck teeth* >8|
If I wanted the sounds of screwing someone then I would screw someone. And if I want the noises of a ping pong paddle slapping a pile of raw, moist meat, then I'd ... heh
or when they eat with there mouth open :barf: :crazy:
Mirku":8ku5dvqm said:
That to , the smallest thing and I'm like : AAAAHHHHHH!!