I would first delete all the porn on my computer. Then I would splurge all my money on women and booze. With my financial standings that should take a good hour or so. Now its about 10 in the morning and I'm crying hysterically. Two hours later I'm still bummed but its noon so I eat lunch. A nice steak sandwich. Then back to crying but only for like fifteen minutes because I convince myself I'm a man and should accept the inevitable. Then five more minutes of bawling. 2 o'clock and I'm sitting on the porch throwing rocks and shouting profanity at any who dare pass by. 3:00 rolls in and I'm making prank phone calls to randomly dialed numbers. My family is finally coming home from work and I lash out at them verbally. After being kicked out of the house I wander the streets letting dogs out of their yards and kicking over mailboxes. I return home and explain why I acted like I did and they're understanding so... I go back outside and kick over more mailboxes. I somehow end up biting a stranger. Now its about 7 and I'm at the police station with a black eye. By 8 my parents pick me up and I eat a late dinner. I go to my room and stare at the ceiling for what I thought was five minutes but it's almost midnight. I close my eyes and curse knowing I'd die in couple moments. "Rosebud"