Afro Samurai;195437 said:Pok?mon Stadium 2. Don't ask me why.
also streets of rage 2&3
Afro Samurai;195437 said:Pok?mon Stadium 2. Don't ask me why.
Cruelty;197036 said:I am playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for PSP. This is actually the first time I've ever played a game from the franchise.. am I lame? =l
BTW, dopples, I swear I've seen your avatar on's forums in someone's signature a while ago (like a year ago) @__@
real estate barrel;108808 said:even if you do run fast enough judge ghis is fucking IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT so. have fun ^^;
also i am playing DESERT BUS. this is seriously the best game ever.
Yesterday I (finally!!!:yes finished Crash Team Racing ':| I've had it since 1999!
Shifter;233926 said:I didn't die even once on I mean whole party...course I have tons of Quickenings you sorta should if you planned out the way you need to...then you just wait til all the judges are in the center and you do quickening chains...then swamp out players and do it again...that will kill the judges and leave you with just Ghis (near death)...
Now..without quickenings and poor management of equipment and liscences I imagine this battle would be reaaaally hard.
Oh..that shows I am playing FF12 right case noone caught on
real estate barrel;234004 said:right now i am playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.