I prefer metal. I don't like that Cannibal Corpse shit though, where everything is die, hammer to a face, dick, ass, needle in your clit, ect...I think you get it...
All sorts of metal too. My favorite metal is Melodic Death Metal, but I also like thrash, grunge, symphonic, speed, epic, black, etc...
Some great bands that are axamples of melodic death metal are Dark Tranquility, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Ceremonial Oath, and the list goes on.
I don't just like metal though, I also like jazz, blues, and classical music.
I prefer listening to metal, because, being a musician, I love listening to all the crazy solos and licks. Plus, it's one of the only forms of music in which you can jump up and down, be crazy, mosh, get sweaty, and just all around have fun. Believe it or not too, it also helps me concentrate on homework, and stuff. It's very soothing for me.