I feel a little spoiled with what I'm about to say but it's bothering me for a number of reasons:
On Christmas day my mother gave me and my brother a new wallet with £100 inside each, practically the same small presents and that's perfect! I couldn't ask for more! But then my dad pulled out this huge box from under the tree and handed it to my brother, my brother immediately said "What about Ste" and my mum said "We'll sort ste out later" so i waited anxiously to see what the hell was going on.
Ater he tore the paper of there stood a brand new Sony laptop with 3 years cover and I was very happy for him. I buy all my own systems and always have (with my job entitling me to have decent specs on a regular basis) so it's nice for him to get a faster machine than his current crappy desktop (Which i bought him in 2004) for christmas.
So I help him set it up and get all the essential things before heading into the online world. And from there I've been thinking about what my mum said regarding "We'll sort ste out later". So after torturing myself about it and questioning what it could be, I ran over a few things that could be the answer:
As I'm in the final stages of setting up my own business, I thought a cheque could cover my bills for the next couple of months and give me a comfortable chance to find work. That would be so great! And help me out A LOT! I vacuum my house on a daily basis and do the dishes. On weekends I do the shopping and save my family a trip to the store.
So tonight I decided to ask my dad what my mum was talking about. When asked, he gave me a confused look and questioned what I was talking about. So i uncomfortably ran through what my mum said on christmas day and he made it clear he had no recollection of her saying that and that was pretty much the end of that.
I feel a little upset but at the same time I question my morals. Have I become a spoilt individual or am I merely questioning the fairness of the whole thing. Either way it's life and I only have to look at some places in the world and realise I'm lucky enough to just have a roof over my head. But at the same time I'm a little angry because my financial status isn't exactly booming at the moment.
Anyone know anyone who needs a website in the new year?