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Weapons : Critical Bonus

Kain Nobel
Version: 3.5
By: Kain Nobel


All this does is give your weapons a new stat which increases your chances to make a critical strike. The nice thing about this scriptlet is you don't have to create weapons which increase an actor's AGI just to make them more likely to strike a critical, it is weapon-based instead of just AGI based only.


  • You can give weapons an additional critical strike bonus
  • Works alongside the normal attack effect formula
  • No need to increase the AGI+ of the weapon to achieve higher critical hit rates
  • Should work with custom scripts that give enemies equipment
  • New 'random' methods created for Kernel, just as a bonus
  • Doesn't override my "OverKill" damage system (not yet posted)



# ** Weapons : Critical Bonus




# * SDK Log


if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)

  SDK.log('Weapons.CriticalBonus', 'Kain Nobel ©', 3.5, '2009.09.09')




# ** Kernel (MACL 'RGSS.Higher Classes' additions)



module Kernel


  # * Name      : Random Boolean (Rand Bool)

  #   Info      : Equal chance of returning a true or false value

  #   Author    : Kain Nobel

  #   Call Info : None


  def random_boolean

    # Return true if random 2 is more than 1

    rand(2) <= 1


  alias_method :rand_bool, :random_boolean


  # * Name      : Random Odds (Rand Odds)

  #   Info      : Specified odds of returning a true or false value

  #   Author    : Kain Nobel

  #   Call Info : 1 or 2 arguments

  #               Odds True is a Numeric representing odds of returning ture

  #               Odds False is a Numeric representing odds of returning false


  def random_odds(odds_true = 1, odds_false = 10)

    # If Odds of being True equal odds of being False

    if odds_true == odds_false

      # Return a random boolean

      return random_boolean


    # Return odds true are more than odds false

    rand(odds_false) < odds_true


  alias_method :rand_odds, :random_odds




# ** RPG::Weapon



class RPG::Weapon


  # * Chance of each weapon striking a critical hit


  Critical = {

  1 => 100


  Critical.default = 0


  # * Critical


  def critical

    # Return value of constant






# ** Game_Battler



class Game_Battler


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :weaponcritical_gmbattler_attackeffect, :attack_effect


  # * Attack Effect : Critical Correction


  def attack_effect(attacker)

    # The usual


    # If damage is numerical and not self critical

    if self.damage.is_a?(Numeric) && !self.critical

      # If attacker can carry a weapon

      if attacker.respond_to?(:weapon_id)

        # Get weapon object from attacker's weapon ID

        weapon = $data_weapons[attacker.weapon_id]

        # If weapon has a critical value

        if weapon.respond_to?(:critical)

          # Get the odds of striking critical with weapon

          if random_odds([weapon.critical, 100].min, 100)

            # Double the damage

            self.damage  *= 2

            # Set critical flag

            self.critical = true

            # If using 'Battler.OverKill' script and fatal damage

            if Object.const_defined?(:OverKill) && @hp < self.damage

              # Set 'OverKill' string

              self.critical = OverKill::Critical_String









Place Above Main, Below SDK (Only if Using)


Should be compatible with anything. If its not placed below anything that modifies Game_Battler.attack_effect, it might not work properly. If you don't understand this, just place it below every custom script but be sure it is still above Main.

This script aliases Game_Battler#attack_effect, so if you're using an exotic CBS or ABS that doesn't use that method, this script won't serve any purpose.

Author's Notes

Works with my Battlers : OverKill script.

Terms and Conditions

Another "Free to use in commercial and non-commercial games" script, obviously with credit thanks :thumb:

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