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Weapon Modification / Transformation

What I want Is to have several 'Slots' on EACH weapon.
'Mana' can be equipped to each slot.
Each type of mana adds to a different stat:
White Mana : + 1 Def
Black Mana : + 1 Str
Omni Mana : + 1 Mag
Nega Mana : + 1 All

When A cirtain Combination of mana is equipped to the weapon It becomes something else e.g.

Bronze Sword + (W, W, W, W) = Rune Blade
Bronze Sword + (B, B, B, W) = Flamethongue
Bronze Sword + (B, B, B, O) = Aqua Edge
Bronze Sword + (B, B, W, W) = Glacial Sabre
Bronze Sword + (B, B, O, O) = Bolt Edge
Bronze Sword + (N, N, N, N) = Blood Sword

I don't know if this is possible, So please help me!
Sounds like a request...

Of course it's possible, although I don't really know the script would be. I think we need a modification of Materia system. Maybe something like this?

An addition to RPG::Weapon module, which adds 4 (or more) empty slots.
An addition to Scene_Equip and Window_Equip for equipping Manas.

I don't really get the "mana" idea. Is it an item? If it is, you will need 4 different elements for each mana type. Then, you set which item will have which mana (this can be done in the Database).

Maybe this could help:
To equip mana:
1. Check if there is empty slot. If not, abort the operation.
2. Check the mana type. Add statictics for appropriate type.
3. For each slots, check mana type. Compare to your list (maybe saved in Array or Hash). If it matches, automatically change the weapon by:
- unequipping current weapon
- equipping substitute weapon

Don't forget the visual notification.

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