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Weapon and Skill Leveling for RTAB

I realize that there are a lot of weapon and skill leveling systems out there, but can anyone make something that is compatible with RTAB and Minkoff's Animated Battlers. A couple of my characters use only one weapon throughout the entire game, which would make that weapon obsolete quite quickly.

The skill leveling is not really necessary. However, this would make it so that low-level skills could level up throughout the game. I'm thinking more like Techs, but Magic is good, too.

Oh, and it should be compatible with other battle systems as well, as it's not really fair for RTAB to have all the good scripts. I'm sure that not only RTAB users would find this beneficial to their game. I'd just like to be able to use these scripts with RTAB, even if someone merely merges the necessary scripts.

Thanks in advance.

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