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We live in a fucked up world, my friends.

FOREWORD: I was really angry when I wrote this so it might not make complete sense.

Not sure if anybody saw this, but there was a video on the Tosh.0 blog of a kid getting cut on the arm by one of his friends.

Truth is, those two dumbasses are actually good friends of mine. The big one (who did the cutting) is 17 years old and has an extensive police record (including assault, theft, terroristic threats, and some other shit) and is currently on probation, and was at the time the video was made. The other is 18 and is just one of those idiots who will do anything to be funny. These two have been best friends since the third grade, and have been doing dumb shit like this the whole time. They've busted guitars over each other's heads, for fuck's sake.

Now, after this video got around a little bit, our school took notice. They started their bullshit by talking to the one who got cut, and started by suggesting various forms of therapy (including the Big Brother program which made me lol). Then, they took things a little farther and brought in the police. The police found out who the other person in the video was and are now charging him with assault. IF the charges go through then he will go to juvenile hall until he turns 18, then he will be transferred to prison where he will stay for another 7 years.

Okay, back the fuck up (tl;dr). Kid #1 (18 years old), tells Kid #2 (17 years old) to cut him with a sword. The police now want to press charges on behalf of Kid #1, even though Kid #1 doesn't want to press charges. If charges are pressed, Kid #2 is fucked for life.


1. Kid #1 is 18 years old and has to be the one to press charges, especially if it involves a minor.

2. Kid #1 literally said "Hey, you should cut me with this sword.", trust me I was there.

3. This is like me telling you to fuck me and then suing you for rape.

What do you guys think? Do you think the police should be able to do this?
I think if the police managed to press charges on behalf of Kid #1, he could refuse to testify, or even testify against the police, and sue the department as well.

Kid #1 is 18. They have a say whether or not they WANT to press charges/testify. In cases of egregious battery/assault, the police can press charges at their discretion--but typically this will not go very far if the victim(s) still refuse to press charges or testify. It still will likely go to court without a plea bargain out of court.

This IS assault with a deadly weapon--even if Kid #1 asked for it to happen.
It's a grey area. Could have caused death. Detriment to public safety. Drain on healthcare. And, it is not often that someone actually WANTS to be assaulted, so not much precedent to fall back on. Kid #2 caused harm to Kid #1, KNOWING that it would cause Kid #1 harm. No accident.

If the kid bled out and died, there'd be no excuse. If you fatally shot someone on purpose, and your only excuse was, "he TOLD me to!" Do you think that should let you off the hook? I'm not talking about assisted suicide, or even someone who DESERVES it, I'm talking about one stupid kid shooting another stupid kid for no reason.

BUT, in ANY normal circumstance, Kid #2 (17) would probably be fine. He's a minor. Maybe he'd get criminal mischief charges. But if he has a record, this could go much worse, because the system will see him as a repeat offender and a trouble case, seeking some sort of reformatory time.

He can't plead not-guilty since there's video evidence (unless he claims he was "insane" or on drugs or something--would not look good anyway). Best he can do is get a lawyer, make a plea bargain, and probably get off with psych counseling and/or community service.

If he seeks regular psych counseling now, the lawyer can attest that attempt at self-improvement, and it may look good in court.

Otherwise, it's a good lesson! Don't do stupid shit. Especially don't on camera. And ESPECIALLY DON'T POST THAT VIDEO ON THE INTERNET.

God damn.
no video the police removed it from youtube, but I do have this photo of the cut

And yeah, Ven I suppose you're right, but it's still pretty fucked up.
That is not so bad. But yes, the suggestions made by others would be the best courses of action to take in their situations. Having a history is a hard thing if you are really trying to change your ways. But either way, get it out now cause once your an adult life does not get easy if you are stupid.
no they should not, at least, that my opinion, if he doesn't want to press charges the police should just fuck off and leave him with that decision
no they should not, at least, thats my opinion, if he doesn't want to press charges the police should just fuck off and leave him with that decision

Also, that cut actually went all the way down to the bone. In that picture the cut had been flooded with blood so you can't see the bone.
The 5th ammendment lets you refuse from testifying against yourself. It does not let you refuse to testify against your friend who cut you with a sword :P. If they want you to testify, you have to. If you try to refuse, they can get a subpoena and make you tesify. If you still don't testify, it's a crime and you can get fined/jailed. As far as testifying against the police, what would that testimony be? I don't think "I told him to cut me with a sword" would really mean anything once it gets to court.
yeah, the whole thing is legally correct, but that's what's fucked up about it. This is supposed to be a country where people can express themselves! And if two friends want to mutilate each other with weapons then gad damn it they should be allowed to do just that! /patriotism

well anyway this whole thing has blown over and Kid #2 has gotten off easy with 6 months of anger management and a stern warning. :thumb:
Heh, well, while I am certainly not like OMG HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL, I also wouldn't lose any sleep if he did get jail time. It was a pretty stupid thing to do, and it was pretty obvious that it was illegal. I think it would be dangerous if they let everything like this go because sometimes it's actually something serious going on.

EDIT: Also, as far as a fucked up world goes, there are far more fucked up things to be worrying about :eek:
Body mutilation doctors are shut down all the time; this isn't really any different. You can't just go to some bloke and ask him to cut your cock in two or remove an ear.

It's like smoking I guess. While the harm o yourself is your choice, the extra strain on the NHS isn't particularly fair.
Prexus":18pw5g7w said:
BTW with the way the Rape laws work in the UK, you can actually do this.
You should check out Jersey's rape laws.
They have no sex-offenders register, so you bugger a child once, you get in jail for a few months, you're let out to do it again, you get in jail for a few months, let out for another go, etc, etc.
I was disappointed when the thread name was hinting at things like people not reacting to rape in public, or some newfound mass abuse scandal - and all I saw was some Jackass wannabes. (they're just getting the attention they want, btw) There are worse things out there that deserve the name "fucked up".

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