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Warning message(scripters tool)

I created this script long ago for one of my menus and any other project. Its very flexible and can be used for a lot of things. It uses a modified window+sprite combination because i think that it looks better, anyway you can modify it or do what you want.


-The window size and position is based on the text size.
-All other sizes or positions are set automatically.
-It have methods for automatically visible/invisible, dipose,etc, all sprites
and windows.
-You can add a question to it. With this a modified version of a window command
is actived.
-You can changue the text, ask option, x and y in every call.

I use it with a variable in the Scene called "Warning_message_type" that defines the behavior of it.

Note that you need scripting knoledge for using this. Basically im sharing the code for anyone that may need it and don't want to make his own.

If you add something realy cool to it, tell me, the idea is to improve it. Anyway, suggerences,bugs,etc, i will listen for any feedback.


# Warning message

# By gerkrt/gerrtunk

# Version: 1

# License: GPL, credits






I created this script long ago for one of my menus and any other project. Its very flexible

and can be used for a lot of things. It uses a modified window+sprite combination

because i think that it looks better, anyway you can modify it or do what you want.


-The window size and position is based on the text size.

-All other sizes or positions are set automatically.

-It have methods for automatically visible/invisible, dipose,etc, all sprites

and windows.

-You can add a question to it. With this a modified version of a window command

is actived.

-You can changue the text, ask option, x and y in every call.


I use it with a variable in the Scene called "Warning_message_type" that defines

the behavior of it. 




class Warning_Message

  def initialize

    # Default values when refreshing it

    @default_x = 200

    @default_y = 200

    # Back text window

    @text_window = Window_Base.new(120, 136, 400, 64)

    @text_window.z = 252

    @text_window.visible = false

    # Text sprite 

    @text_sprite = Sprite.new

    @text_sprite.z = 254

    @text_sprite.x = 120

    @text_sprite.y = 136

    @text_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(400,64)

    # Testing bitmap for size test

    @testing_bitmap =  Bitmap.new(1,1)

    # Question window

    @question_window = Window_Selection.new(80, ["Yes", "No"])

    @question_window.x = 280

    @question_window.y = 200

    @question_window.z = 253

    @question_window.back_opacity = 0

    @question_window.opacity = 0

    @question_window.active = false

    @question_window.visible = false

    # Back question window

    @back_question_window = Window_Base.new(120, 136, 64, 64)

    @back_question_window.x = 280

    @back_question_window.y = 200

    @back_question_window.z = 254

    @back_question_window.visible = false




  # Make all the sprites/windows visibles

  def visible

    @text_window.visible = true

    @text_sprite.visible = true

    # Question ones only if active

    if @back_question_window.active

      @question_window.visible = true

      @back_question_window.visible = true




  # Make all the sprites/windows invisibles

  def no_visible

    @text_window.visible = false

    @text_sprite.visible = false

    @question_window.visible = false

    @back_question_window.visible = false



  # Is question window active? 

  def active

    return @question_window.active



  # Set question window active 

  def active=(value)

    @question_window.active = value



  # Update all the sprites/windows visibles

  def update







  # Draw the warning message

  # question: called to add a yes/no window.

  def refresh(message, question=true, x=@default_x, y=@default_y)

    # Basic position settings

    @text_window.y = y

    @text_window.x = x

    @text_sprite.x = x

    @text_sprite.y = y

    rect = @testing_bitmap.text_size(message)

    # With question window or not. All the positions auto-setting are done here.

    if question

      @text_window.width = rect.width+26+40

      @question_window.visible = true

      @question_window.active = true

      @back_question_window.visible = true

      @question_window.x = @text_window.x+rect.width+4+6

      @question_window.y = @text_window.y - 16

      @back_question_window.x = @text_window.x+rect.width+4+16

      @back_question_window.y = @text_window.y


      @text_window.width = rect.width+26


    # First update the back window



    # Draw text

    @text_sprite.bitmap.draw_text(0+10,0,400,64,message, 0)




  # Dispose all the sprites/windows visibles

  def dispose









class Window_Selection < Window_Command


  # * Update Cursor Rectangle


  def update_cursor_rect

    # If cursor position is less than 0

    if @index < 0




    # Get current row

    row = @index / @column_max

    # If current row is before top row

    if row < self.top_row

      # Scroll so that current row becomes top row

      self.top_row = row


    # If current row is more to back than back row

    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)

      # Scroll so that current row becomes back row

      self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)


    # Calculate cursor width

    cursor_width = (self.width / @column_max - 32)+11

    # Calculate cursor coordinates

    x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)

    y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy

    # Update cursor rectangle

    self.cursor_rect.set(x-4, y, cursor_width, 32)






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