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Warhammer 40k

Anyone here play Warhammer 40k?

I collect Space Wolves, I have a 1090 point army:
-Ulrik (but I use just as a Wolf Priest) [+ 4 fenrisian wolves]
-Typhoon Land Speeder
-Rhino MkIIc
-10 Grey Hunters and 10 Blood Claws
-Iron priest

But I just got a great catch on eBay, bought a 4,000 point Space Marine army with several tanks and around 60 troops for... ?23 with postage O_o ! Bearing in mind my 1,000 pt army cost me around ?80 plus paints and shiz... So I now have a 5,000 point army, once it is delivered.

Anyway, what I want to know really is, the set of shiz I got includes an unbuilt Razorback, but they lost the instructions... anyone know of any sites with instructions to built 40k models? Only I wanna do it right.


Woot, army came, painting and converting has begun. I'll soon have:

-Wolf Priest + 2 wolves
-Wolf Lord + 2 wolves
-Rhino MkIIc
-Rhino MkI
-40 (4 troops of 10) Grey Hunters and 30 (2 troops of 15) Blood Claws
/\ one of the BC troops is lead by a Wolf Guard Leader in Terminator armour, who counts as a Blood Claw for these purposes.
-Iron priest
-6 scouts
-Land speeder sq. (1 land speeder, 1 typhoon... I can do that, right?)
-Blood Claws Bike Pack (5 bikes)
-9x long fangs [devastators] (1 squad of 3 + commander, one of 4 + commander)
-Wolf Guard Battle Leader
You got a problem with that? 8-)

By the way, anyone know how I can get rid of the paint from plastic & metal models? Some of the models I bought were painted real bad.
i used to play 40k a loong time ago
ive sort of grown up now :D

at first i had a necron army (2000 pts) with lord and destroyers
then i went to chaos marines (about 1k pts?) with an evil land raider and some units
then i went to daemonhunters (dunno the points) but i kept winning ( i love the 2+ armour save on the terminators ahaha)

aye thats about it :)
and i think paint thinner will destroy the plastic

just go to your local games workshop and buy some undercoat spray (black or white)
spray all the badly done troops and paint them all again
Space Marine: Custom Chapter

Full Selection List (Not the one that I play)
-2 Captains
-1 Chaplain
-1 Librarian
-5 Terminators
-1 Land Raider
-1 Dreadnought
-1 Rhino
-5 Assault Marines
-1 Tech Marine w/ 2 Servitors
-19 Standard Marines

Razorbacks aren't that different from Rhinos. You built the main part like a rhino, and the turret is like the one on the Land Raider.
I'm on and off from this game. Love it, have to admit. I collect the Chaos army of Khrone. I don't really have a specific army. It varies quite alot. Main army is around 2000 points though. Usually consists of:
- Daemon Prince.
- 4 Beserker Squads.
- Kharn The Betrayer.
- Champion with Juggernaught.
- Khrone Defiler.
- 2 Marine Squads (Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Champion, Plasma Rifle) with Mark of Khrone.

Around 2000. Maybe more, maybe less. (That's not all my army either. I have quite alot... Not fully painted though, so I can't really compete in a proper game).
Yep. Tyranids nail me all the time. Tau aren't cool either, at least on a large field. Once you get in close, it's all good.
I played the old Warhammer Quest pen and paper RPG, based off Fantasy. As well, I play a fair bit of Mordheim (small scale version of Warhammer.)

40k Doesn't interest me as it literally stole everything about the game from other things (Starship Troopers and Starcraft, mainly.)
ok, here's my army... it's been a while, but i've got a list of what i had in case i ever want to build my army again...

Space marine custom chapter = Lunar Knights
black and silver paint scheme with bright yellow crescents on the shoulder pads.
  • Led by customized figure w/ power fist, bolter, and bionic arm.
  • Librarian
  • 10 scouts in two 5 man cells
  • Heavy weapons unit - 2 las-cannons, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, Sergeant.
  • 25 space marines divided into two 10 man cells and one 5 man veteran cell
  • 5 marine bikers - 4 bikers, bike chaplain, and attack bike w/ plasma cannon.
  • 5 terminators with close combat weapons
  • 5 assault marines
  • Land raider Crusader tank
  • Whirlwind tank
a few more random figures i can't remember right now.. I sold this set to my buddy for like 250 dollars... i paid about 300 and got the rest as presents from my family... i might have to get back into this... it was fun...
if i do get in , i plan on building a thunderhawk gunship... i found a set of plans for it last night... i'll post the link for it later...
Rhazdel":3rg0l2ay said:
Same way you get rid of paint from anything:

Paint thinner.

DO NOT use paint thinner on plastic models, only the pewter (metal) ones! So for your terminators and what not, go ahead but if you use it on plastics you will ruin them.
Oh and by the way, I work for GW as a Trade Sales Rep. My main army is Tau.

I usually field about 2500 pts:

1 Sash'o (HQ)
9 Broadside Battle Suits
9 Crisis Suits armed with Plasma Rifles and Missle Pods
Usually about 100 Kroot/Kroot Hounds and 50 or so Firewarriors

Pretty simple army, but I've only been beat with it once (outside of tournament play) and I usually place in tournaments. The army that beat me was a Terminator heavy Chaos army, with Thousand Sun troops, their INV. Save screws me, because my STR 10 AP 1 weapons on my broadsides aren't always instantly killing.

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