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Walk Away.

I feel semi-obligated to post at least one of my pieces; and I figure I might as well go with (although I don't think its my personal best) one of my more well recieved poems. Keep in mind, this is an unedited - almost two years old, piece. But I think its deserving of some editing, so here-a-go

She runs away
In pourin' rain
Time frozen, one more second
And I am behind, alone just me
My eyes watering, no one can tell
And my lips quivering, slightly
Silence waits, beneath the rain
That rain mixed with salty tears
I turn, this is the end - I say
And walk away
In pourin' rain

Urgh. Don't hit me.
Seems like some solid poetry. One thing you could do is switch the order of the first two lines to create a full circle ending.
Hmm..what about cutting out the first line entirely? Reading it [without the first line], I think that would make the poem a more..revealing state. As currently, you get what it's about pretty much at the first line - when removing it wouldn't severely effect the mood of the poem. I think.

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