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Wal-Mart Bashing and the Hatter's Folly



I felt like my Wal-Mart bashing whilst provoking the wannabe-troll over in NFG deserved a little justification (if you don't know don't bother, we were just having a little fun with him) so here's a short bit on it, feel free to discuss.

Let's start off with the benefits plan: Wal-Mart offers a benefit package to its full time employees. Too bad it sucks (here's a quote from an article at PBS.com):

Full-time employees are eligible for benefits, but the health insurance package is so expensive (employees pay 35 percent - almost double the national average) that less than half opt to buy it. Another benefit for employees is the option to buy company stock at a discount. Wal-Mart matches 15 percent of the first $1800 in stocks purchased. Yet most workers can't afford to buy the stock. In fact, not one in 50 workers has amassed as much as $50,000 through the stock-ownership pension plan. Voting power for these stocks remains with Wal-Mart management.

Two points here besides these: Wal-Mart, like most shitbag employers in its strata, does not qualify most of its employees as "full-time" so they're not eligible for benefits. The benefits are a publicity stunt with no real effective value to most employees, they're a morale thing and something for Wal-Mart to point to when it holds union bashing rallies and tries to brainwash its employees into thinking they're doing them right.

Second point: if you understand stocks you understand two things about their stock program: one, $1800 dollars doesn't mean dick. Wal-Mart is effectively pledging to add $270 dollars to a person's paycheck over the course of time it takes to amass those stocks, and at the rate most of their employees are paid they can only afford one or two stocks per check (Wal-Mart stocks are currently at 59.88 as of this writing, which is about 10% of net earnings on a two-week paycheck at their typical $8.00ish per hour wage). This means, effectively, that if you give 10% of your pay back to Wal-Mart each pay period they're offering a measly ~$9 in added value. Wohoo, daddy's getting a new pair of shoes! As if that's not insult enough they cap it off at $1800.

The second thing is that Wal-Mart's stock program is an utter mockery of the stock options offered by non-asshole companies. For the non-saavy, a stock option is basically an agreement to sell a stock to you at its rate as of the issuance of the option, but you can choose to buy the stock at a later date. If the stock goes up, you can buy it and turn an instant profit. If the stock goes down, you don't loose a dime. This is used as an incentive and reward system for employees to make an extra effort to increase the company's value. They usually don't charge you for the fucking options out of your paycheck either, they just give them to you and you decide whether to exercise them at any time up till their expiration (normally you pay a fee to purchase an option when you're trading stocks).

Wal-Mart's stock program amounts to a weasely way to cut employee wages by automatically reinvesting the wages into the company. Yes, you can sell the stocks you buy, and yes, right now Wal-Mart stock is growing - it's experienced a pretty big gain this year but it's hard to say where it's going in the long term, it's been depressed for the last 5 years. A Wal-Mart employee who wishes to invest money would be much better served following safe and sane practices for long-term growth than dumping all their eggs in the Wal-Mart basket and hoping for the best. Personally I don't think Wal-Mart is going to do well under union law reforms we're liable to see if Obama is elected, nor is it going to survive a post-industrial China with its current business model. If the stocks go back down to their 2003-2006 levels the $9 bucks they give you per paycheck is going to be a pittance compared to the $20 or so per stock you'll lose.

So yeah, fuck Wal-Mart, and fuck Hatter. :)
Ah, well, I guess that if their methods works then we can't really blame them. It's immoral, some would say, but that's how it works. What can we do when they allready amassed enough money to buy all lawyers in the country?

I haven't heard of Wal-Mart since a while, but around 2006 the store next to us closed. The employees blamed them for closing due to syndicalization, while Wal-Mart claims it's due to money problems. They lost all lawsuits (as if Wal-Mart employees have money) everytime up to the Supreme Court of Canada, which is still a case going on, as far as I know.

We all know it's wrong but, well, what else can we say?
HA!  The insurance and the stock only scratches the surface on how corrupt WalMart is.  I've seen things, maaaaan... O_O

In all seriousness, I think how often WalMart has been sued for various reasons kinda speaks for itself.  There's not much more to say. :x



Oh I know a lot more bad things can be said about Wal-Mart, believe me. I'm just talking on the particular points raised in the Hatter thread in defense of Wal-Mart. The only reason their model works is that the holes they've discovered to exploit in our economic structure haven't been patched up yet, and they've grown so powerful they have a lot of influence to keep the holes open. It's efficient, yes, and it works, yes, but we should be asking why we haven't done anything about that, not whether it's "moral" to shop there or whatever.
It's like saying, well you know the mafia is immoral and illegal but it's made a lot of people rich and given a lot of other people jobs where they wouldn't have one. So hey, whatever works.
Wait... is Wal Mart forcing them to purchase stock in their company?  Because I can see how you'd have a problem with that.

Wal Mart's purpose is to make money, and they're not
a) forcing people to work for them
b) forcing people to buy their stocks

In that case, anything that happens there is a free agreement by both sides.

I can't see how giving a crappy discount is somehow immoral.



It's not immoral, and ultimately the employees are responsible for making good decisions about how to spend their money. My point is that it's a joke, it's worthless at best and a scam at worst in the same way assholes who advertise get rich quick schemes on late night infomercials are scams. They are asking people to set aside that money under false pretenses, presenting it as if it was a "ooh mysterious stock option, only really good companies give their employees stock options". It's an option in the sense of a choice, which allows you to buy stocks, it's not a Stock Option and it's not "good" for anyone but the company and it's not a real benefit and anyone educated on the subject can understand that.

What I find disgusting about it, though, is that they claim it as evidence that they are a good and responsible employer. Yes, their obligation is to their real stockholders, not to their employees, and yes from a cynical perspective if they can make money off exploiting their employee's lack of understanding of investment it's sound business practice. But it does not make them a responsible employer or a good employer and the fact that they claim otherwise is fundamentally not cool.
Mr. N":1j5e5n1r said:
...but we should be asking why we haven't done anything about that...

Because most people are too stupid and gullible to realize that:

1.) WalMart is corrupt as balls.
2.) The "low prices" come from stuff being repackaged or bought from defective lots (and with their return policy...)
3.) The "low prices" also come from blatently ripping off their customers.  And that's only one example of that...

People just see, "OMG IT'S CHEAP I WANT!" and pour money into a company that's secretly laughing evilly at your soon-to-be misfortune.

EDIT: Okay, apparently I didn't read the article throughly (ironic, considering the warning...).  But before the packaging change for GH3 showing what guitar you got, they were actually taking the newer Les Paul controllers OUT of the packaging (as the packaging at the time only said you got A guitar, not specifically WHAT guitar you got), and putting older models in, and then later selling the Les Pauls when they started to sell individually.  Slick, only not.



I don't really think Wal-Mart is in the business of ripping off customers. It makes plenty of money by screwing its employees (in a subjective comparison based on industry standards) and using strong-arm tactics on manufacturers that we used to protect against using anti-trust laws. They increase their profits by demanding lower (sometimes crippling) prices from businesses who rely on Wal-Mart for a large portion of their distribution. That's what happens when you let one business get too big and out of control - they circumvent the checks and balances that market forces normally apply, and that's where the government is supposed to step in and break the company up into smaller parts before it causes long-term damage. Anti-trust is a joke these days though, it hasn't been successfully applied against even the most obvious of targets. They couldn't nail Microsoft with anti-trust when it had over 90% global market share and overtly used its power and influence to destroy competition, what are they going to do against wal-mart. We need better laws, better prosecutors, and fewer company-owned politicians.
I don't shop at walmart at all due to this.

I went in once only to take a major shit.  But I missed the toilet.

Wheee, to be 14 again...
Dissonance":yvfa7ksh said:
I don't shop at walmart at all due to this.

I went in once only to take a major shit.  But I missed the toilet.

Wheee, to be 14 again...
You make life horrible for the people getting screwed over. I wanted to eviscerate people like you when I worked retail.
I don't go to Wal-mart simply because:

a.) the staff is almost always unkempt, unfriendly, and uneducated about the products in their section. there are a few rare GOOD employees there but they are instantly overshadowed by the bad. i mean, half the time i would call there to see if something was in stock, the guy wouldn't even look. he'd just instantly say "yeah". then i'd go and it wouldn't be there. or they fuck up in transferring me and hang up on me. and in the store, i ask where something is, and they just POINT IN THE DIRECTION and run off. no aisle number, no directions, NOTHING. Just a flick of the wrist. Motherfuckers. though i can't really complain because they're making a pittance and i halfway feel bad.

b.) the produce and fresh food in super wal-marts is DEPLORABLE. i used to go to a NICE wal-mart in an upscale neighborhood and still the fruits would be old/bruised, the veggies would be wilted, the meat/dairy would be 1 day off from expiring. gag.

c.) returning things is horrid. you stand in line at the customer service desk for like an hour so that when you get to the front, the bitch either goes on break or they have some trainee there who doesn't know how to run a return on a credit card.

d.) it smells. it always fuckin smells. like ... i don't even know. like something's not quite rotten, but it's getting there.

e.) it literally makes me FEEL ghetto. i don't even quite understand why. probably a combination of the above 4 points.

so i spend a little more and go to target or a specialty store, or to a grocery store for groceries. the 10 bucks i save off every $100 at wal-mart is negligible next to the extreme boost in customer service, cleanliness, and more peaceful atmospheres of other stores.
Is there anyone who willingly shops at WalMart? That's like finding someone who still likes Michael Jackson (or at least doesn't pretend that 80s Michael Jackson died in a fire and the government made a defective creepy ass clone... y'know... like me...)

I've shopped at WalMart, but only because I really didn't have any other choice (the other grocery store down where I was living was small and in an upscale neighborhood, expensive as hell and all the food was about to go off. Kind of like what Venetia was describing but worse.)

Of course up north where I live now everyone goes to Dominics or Food Lion. Most people hate WalMart around here, but I think 30% of them hate it because it's in vogue.
The funny thing is that the Walmarts in my area are superior to the union stores in nearly every way. Including wages, benefits, costomer service, and employee relations.
I don't know if they are truly the same, but here we have ASDA (Walmart's attempt at launching in Britain) and it's not a bad store. I don't know anyone who hates it, or anyone who loves it. I personally prefer Waitrose, but that's 'cause I'm a toff. I know lots of people who work in ASDA stores here, and from what they've said the management is good, the pay is great, and the hours aren't bad, even in the 24 hour stores. (Flexible break times, etc).

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