Well I know exactly what you're talking about, and I just experimented and I found a way to do it, but its kinda a nooby way, and could be shortened if you talk to an expert or something on events. This is what I did.
I set a graphic, Lancer 2, for an event. Ok, okay. Then I added text for that event on the first event page that says "I sense we're all in danger." On Action Button and do Control Self Switch "A"
Now I added a new event page. On the event page, pick the same graphic and to Autorun and to Self Switch "A". And first I did Set Move Route (Player) Wait... to 25 frames. Then since im showing maybe like a mob and he senses danger. I did "Scroll Map" Fast, Down 18 squares. And then after that I did the same thing but up and made the event after it does scroll map up, to "Wait for Moves Completion" and then say "Im getting outta here!" so it when it gets back to the original screen set he says that. Then I "Set Move Route" to the event to "Change Speed" to fast, and then I repeatedly did Move right until I saw he goes off the map. Then I do "Wait for Move's Completion", then "Erase Event.
This might not sound clear to you, so ask questions and ill answer them.