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WA Halfling Tileset thread

Welcome to the Halfling tileset thread :wink:, in here you will find tiles for use with... Halfling template.
I've decided to post what i have so far so that you guys can test it out and give me suggestions on what to add or alter, this 1st tile is for your basic town, i only need a lake auto tile which i will edit off of RMXP as i don't care to get into that at this moment.
e-Edited lake added.

I have no problem with edits and the use of this tileset with any other template as long as i get credit, only NO using any of my stuff for any commercial project please.

My tileset work is not magnificent but i try my best.

.Tassadar <For making the damn fence work (haven't forgotten ^^)

Instruction < You guys know how to set passage and all but i have to put this up for the clump of trees as well as one or two other things, weather vane and chimneys are all priority 5 passable too.
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... iority.png
Not too sure on pine, should be good but have not tested.
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... struct.png

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... Auto01.png
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... gGrass.png
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... atplus.png
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... round2.png

*Pine tree <Like the treasure chest this was made for the game i was working on, i've edited it to fit with this tileset now though, added these to the bottom of the tileset since i don't want to set passages and such again.
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... -Extra.png

Character pieces.
*Treasure chest< As i was working on a remake of FF Mystic quest i had completed this for that game but it will fit well with these tiles as well.
http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr23 ... eChest.png

Auto tile links edited since Imageshack was giving me crap.
That's amazing! It looks really smooth and shiny. I think the houses are maybe not quite thick enough, and that the grass needs a bit more detail, but other than that it's great. I especially love the trees.

Well done. Please keep working on these.
Thanks guys ^^
No promises but i may alter the cliff (for rounder look) and upload that as an extra.
Hmm don't know what you mean by thick.
Yes rtp door is not fantastic with these tiles haha

Stupid me i forgot to add the black roof, i will fix that in a sec, and i forgot to add firewood, i was going to remake the last and totally forgot, i'll add that later on because after this it's nap time for me.
* Black roof added.
Forgot to say that i left in the extra grids because i still want to create some little extras like missing tiles for the roof and extra pieces for those two walls, as well as some other small things :)
*Made a tiny mistake with the priority for the clump of trees, set them like this, same for the single tree.
*Firewood added.
*Pine tree added.
*2nd Pine made a bit greener
I love the pinetree man :) dunno if I already said that, it could use a bit more shading towards the bottom though :)
btw when are we going to see some progress of the game? :) haha and will it be made in rmxp/rmvx?
Ah, RTP water too!
The bricks in the autotile are too small. When the chest opens it looks top down, I suppose you have to see it in action to tell. The birds next perspective isn't right if it is to be in the tree. Other then that it looks really good.
Thanks, the rtp water is not so bad since i upped the saturation of the water some, test it out and see, when i read your comment i checked it out against the rtp wooden treasure chest and it looks okay to me, please compare them too.
On the nest i think i can actually make it look like it's sticking out of the tree rather than laying on top, i will work on it soon :)

E- Thanks Gr, i will look at the pine tree later on too, and i plan to make the game for XP, don't like VX much.



Great sprite template, great tileset template. Love it man, all great.
I'm testing some mapping with the tileset right now, I'll give you some criticism when I'm finished. :)
Alright then let me know if you see anything off then DragoonVince ^^

I think the width of the bottom part of the lid and the dark shades could give it that appearance, i will edit it to see what it looks like, thanks for the tip 006.
Yup it was fine i believe, but i found out that what actually gave that impression was the angle for the bottom of the chest, this should fix that problem 006 ^^

I will see about improving the general look of it soon too, make it look more weather beaten since it's been laying outside for years, waiting for the hero :grin:

E-I'm going to look for those MQ sheets, should help me out with the remakes :)
*More shading added to pine tree bottom ^^
*Birds nest edited, now looks like it's sticking out, and has a better angle :)
*Increased saturation some more for RMXP lake edit, it's much better now.
Haha looks pretty cool, no need for graphic rips though because i plan to remake all of it.
I may use some of the Halfling tileset pieces to save me some time though (Took that pine tree back :D), they just need a bit of a color and sat change.

Something i need though is the game sound effects but i have not really looked for them yet.
I do have most or all the music for the game though with some great remixes, this is the site i got them from in case anyone is interested in listening to this or any other FF midi.
Ah sorry i misunderstood you then bud.
e- Of coarse i said i would be remaking it.. i blame it on sleepiness, you stop functioning well after a while..
I have the rom myself and i actually need to play through the game again since it's been years, so i've been taking screen captures now and then :)

Forgot to add that i finished the Behemoth it's on the halfling thread folks.
This tileset work is definitely not dead, i will get back to this when i have a good amount of characters, for now best to let it die till i return to it.

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