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[vx]Weapons give different actors different skills. (Basic script included).



I guess this is more of an edit request? I have a script with a nice FFIX system where when equipment A is equipped, skill B is learned (mastered when an x amount of TP is gained).

I was wondering, could someone be able to make it to where, if equipment A is equipped to Actor/Class1, skill B is learned. However, if equipment A is equipped to Actor/Class1, skill C is learned.  :huh:

#_/    â—†           Equipment Skills System - KGC_EquipLearnSkill         â—† VX â—†
#_/    â—‡                     Last Update: 2008/02/10                          â—‡
#_/    â—†                  Translation by Mr. Anonymous                        â—†
#_/  This script allows you to assign skills that can be "learned" by equipping
#_/  designated equipment. Everytime the party defeats an enemy, they recieve
#_/  TP (Training Points) that go toward mastering a skill. Once a skill is 
#_/  mastered (with the default setting of NEED_FULL_AP = true), that skill is
#_/  learned. This system is much like the one in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
#_/                       â—† Instructions For Usage â—†
#_/  To make use of these functions, you must insert the desired tag into the
#_/   "Notes" box located in the specified section of the database. 
#_/ <learnskill> is for equipment, <needTP> is for Skills, and <TP> for enemies.
#_/  For example, you want the Club to supply the Dual Attack skill and be
#_/   mastered at 20 TP. You would locate the Club in the weapons tab of the
#_/   database and insert <learnskill 1>. Then, you'd locate Dual Attack in  
#_/   the Skills tab of the database and insert <needTP 20>. Simple, effective.
#_/  Key: n = Number
#_/       SkillID = The ID number of the desired skill in the skills database
#_/       Amount = The desired amount of TP.
#_/                        <learnskill SkillID>
#_/  Assigns the given skill to the designated equipment for the actor to use.
#_/                           <needTP Amount>
#_/  Assigns a specified amount of TP the actor must aquire in order to master
#_/   the skill.
#_/                             <TP Amount>
#_/  Assigns a specified amount of TP earned from defeating the enemy.
#_/                          â—† Script Commands â—†
#_/  These commands are used in "Script" function in the third page of event
#_/   commands under "Advanced".
#_/  * gain_actor_ap(ActorID, AP Amount, show)
#_/     Allows you to give an actor a specified amount of AP. 
#_/     "Show" is a toggle. If set to true, if the skill is mastered, it will
#_/     display the "Skill Mastered" screen. (Ex. gain_actor_ap (1, 50, true))
#_/  * change_actor_ap(ActorID, SkillID, AP Amount)
#_/     Allows you to modify the amount of AP a specified skill has.
#_/      (Ex. change_actor_ap (1, 3, 100)
#_/  * call_ap_viewer(index: ActorID)
#_/     This calls the AP Viewer screen. If you exclude (index:), the first
#_/      actor in the index is automatically called.
#_/     Note: To use this properly, Ex. call_ap_viewer(index: 2) would pull up  
#_/      the AP Viewer screen for the second actor.
#_/  [Further, please see "Equipment Exclusion" and "Skills Exclusion" located]
#_/  [near the bottom of the Customize block for more control.                ]
#_/ Installation: Install above KCG_SkillCPSystem, if you use that script.

$data_system = load_data("Data/System.rvdata") if $data_system == nil

#                           ★ Customization ★                                  #

module KGC
 module EquipLearnSkill
  # Note: To avoid confusion with the KCG_DistributeParameter script, I use TP
  #       (Training Point) as the default abbreviation. KGC uses AP.
  #                           â—† AP Name â—†
  #  This allows you to change the abbreviation of AP.
  VOCAB_AP     = "TP"
  #                      â—† AP Default Value â—†
  #  This allows you to change the default value of AP gained by an enemy when 
  #   not manually specified using the <TP n> tag.
  DEFAULT_AP   = 1
  #                      â—† Skill Use Mastery â—†
  #  This toggle allows you to change whether a skill is usable when AP hasn't
  #   been maxed out.
  #  true = Skill cannot be used until the skill has been mastered.
  #  false = Skills are usable regardless of AP amount, however, when the item
  #          that provides that skill is unequipped, the skill is removed.
  NEED_FULL_AP = false

  #             â—† AP Result Screen Aquisition Display â—†
  #  The allows you to change the AP aquired message for battle results.
  #  %s : aquired AP amount
  VOCAB_RESULT_OBTAIN_AP         = "Aquired %s #{VOCAB_AP}!"
  # â—† Display message when skill is mastered on results screen 
  #   (beginning of message).
  #  %s : Actor Name
  # â—† Display message when skill mastered on results screen.
  #    (ending of message)
  #  %s : Name of mastered skill
  VOCAB_RESULT_MASTER_SKILL_NAME = "%s was mastered!"

  #                         â—† Command Menu â—†
  # This toggle adds the "AP Viewer" (Training Skills) selection to the main 
  #  command menu.
  # â—† Text of the Equip Skills selection on the main command window.
  # Could also be written: VOCAB_MENU_AP_VIEWER       = "#{VOCAB_AP} Skills"
  VOCAB_MENU_AP_VIEWER       = "Mastery"

  #                       â—† AP Viewer Screen â—†
  #  Mastered AP skills column display.
  #  This toggle shows/hides skills that have 0 AP.
  #   This also evidently affects the skill's usability, though untested.
  #  true = show
  #  false = Hide
  SHOW_ZERO_AP_SKILL      = false
  #  This toggle allows you to hide the name of a skill if the skill has 0 AP.
  #   true = mask the skill name
  #   false = unmask the skill name
  #  This allows you to change the text of a 0 AP masked skill. 
  #  (When MASK_ZERO_AP_SKILL_NAME = true)
  ZERO_AP_NAME_MASK       = "Unavailable"
  #  This toggle allows you to mask the text displayed in the "Help" (topmost) 
  #   window of a skill that has 0 AP.
  #   true = mask the skill's help text
  #   false = display the text normally
  #  This allows you to change the text displayed in the "Help" (topmost) window 
  #   of a skill that has 0 AP. (When HIDE_ZERO_AP_SKILL_HELP = true)
  ZERO_AP_SKILL_HELP      = "This skill is unavailable."

  #                     â—† Equipment Exclusion â—†
  #  The following lines make it possible for a specified actor to not gain
  #   skills granted by certain Weapons and Armors.
  #  The subscript of the array (The [] brackets) cooresponds to the Actor ID.
  EXCLUDE_WEAPONS = []  # Weapons
  EXCLUDE_ARMORS  = []  # Armor
  #  Example:
  #   ActorID:1 WeaponID:50 and 70 
  #   EXCLUDE_WEAPONS[1] = [50, 70]
  #  Ralph cannot aquire the skills given by the weapon of WeaponID 50 and 70.

  #                       â—† Skills Exclusion â—†
  #  The following line makes it possible for a specified actor to not gain
  #   certain skills provided by any equipment that may normally grant them.
  #  The subscript of the array (The [] brackets) cooresponds to the Actor ID.
  #  Example:
  #   ActorID:1 SkillID:30 
  #   EXCLUDE_SKILLS[1] = [30]
  #  Ralph cannot aquire the skill in SkillID 30 granted by any equipped goods. 
  #               â—† Call AP Viewer from the Skills Window â—†
  #  This allows you to change what key/button is pressed on the skills window
  #   to shift to the AP Viewer window.
  #  When set to nil, this is disabled. ( CALL_EQUIPSKILLKEY = Input::nil )
  #  Note: Currently this only works with KGC_CategorizeSkill
  #  I'll revise this later so you may do so without that script.
  #  I also need to add a couple more methods to this anyhow.
  #               â—† Call Skills Window from the AP Viewer â—†
  #  This allows you to change what key/button is pressed on the AP Viewer
  #   to shift to the skills window.
  #  When set to nil, this is disabled. ( CALL_SKILLSKEY = Input::nil )

# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
#  Unless you know what you're doing, it's best not to alter anything beyond  #
#  this point, as this only affects the tags used for "Notes" in database.    #
# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
#  Whatever word(s) are after the separator ( | ) in the following lines are 
#   what are used to determine what is searched for in the "Notes" section.

$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["EquipLearnSkill"] = true

module KGC::EquipLearnSkill
  # Regular Expressions Defined
  module Regexp
    # Base Item Module
    module BaseItem
      # Learn Skill tag string
      LEARN_SKILL = /<(?:LEARN_SKILL|learnskill)[ ]*(\d+(?:[ ]*,[ ]*\d+)*)>/i

    # Base Skill Module
    module Skill
      # Need AP tag string
      NEED_AP = /<(?:NEED_AP|needTP)[ ]*(\d+)>/i

    # Base Enemy Module
    module Enemy
      # AP given tag string
      AP = /<TP[ ]*(\d+)>/i

# â–¡ KGC::Commands

module KGC::Commands
  # â—‹ AP ã

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