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[VX]Splash Screens



Hi there, I was wondering if someone could make a splash screen script for RMVX.
I know there's already one for XP, but it doesn't work on VX ( because of compatibility).
So could someone make a script similar to the XP one, but making it compatible with VX?

Basically, before the game goes to the title screen, it display splash screen (preferably from the system folder) named like "Splash-01, 02, 03" and display them in the order named, and with each, plays a SE, all taking about 4 seconds per slide. Finally after the splash screens are displayed, it goes to the title.
Is it possible?



# ** Scene_Splash
#  This class performs the splash screen processing.

class Scene_Splash < Scene_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  Splash_Image_Prefix = 'Splash'    # Splash Images begin with what string
  Splash_Dir = 'Graphics/Pictures/' # Directory where the splash images are
  Seconds_Per_Splash = 3            # Number of seconds to spend per splash
  FadeIn_Seconds = 1                # Number of seconds to fade in a splash
  FadeOut_Seconds = 1               # Number of seconds to fade out a splash
  Window_Width = 544                # Pixel width of the window.
  Window_Height = 416               # Pixel height of the window.
  Allow_Skip = true                 # Allow Splashes to be skipped via input
  # * Start processing
  def start
    # The current index we are at in our splash array.
    @splash_index = 0
    @cycle = 0
    @timer = 0
    # Figure out the time in terms of frames.
    @frames_per_fadein = FadeIn_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_screen = Seconds_Per_Splash * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_fadeout = FadeOut_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    # Gather the names of the images that will be the splash screens.
    @splash_screens = Dir[Splash_Dir + Splash_Image_Prefix + '*.*']
    for i in 0...@splash_screens.size
      @splash_screens[i] = @splash_screens[i].split('/').last.split('.')[0]
    # Create our sprite.
    @splash_sprite = Sprite.new
    @splash_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Window_Width, Window_Height)
    @splash_sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If the image needs to be drawn.
    if @old_splash_index != @splash_index
      @old_splash_index = @splash_index
      splash = Bitmap.new(Splash_Dir + @splash_screens[@splash_index])
      rect_x = (Window_Width >> 1) - (splash.width >> 1)
      rect_y = (Window_Height >> 1) - (splash.height >> 1)
      draw_x = rect_x >= 0 ? rect_x : 0
      draw_y = rect_y >= 0 ? rect_y : 0
      splash_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, splash.width, splash.height)
      @splash_sprite.bitmap.blt(draw_x, draw_y, splash, splash_rect)
    @timer += 1
    case @cycle
    when 0
      @splash_sprite.opacity += (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadein
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 1
    when 1
      if @timer > @frames_per_screen
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 2
    when 2
      @splash_sprite.opacity -= (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadeout
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 0
        @splash_index += 1
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_index == @splash_screens.size
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && Allow_Skip
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @splash_sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @splash_sprite.bitmap.disposed?
    @splash_sprite.dispose unless @splash_sprite.disposed?
I think I met all the requirements. Images can be prefixed 'Splash' with a number trailing. The number trailing tells the order that the splash will appear in. 'Splash000' comes before 'Splash001' for example. This is done for you automatically. No need to fill in an array or hash with your splash screen names. Splash screens are automatically centered on screen if they are smaller than the screen. If the splash is larger I take the center of the image. The splash images fade in and out over a period of second(s) which are defined in the constants. These constants can of course be changed to better suit your needs. If you have any questions on it let me know.

There is one final detail. We must make a change to the code in "Main". Replace it with:
# ** Main
#  After defining each class, actual processing begins here.

  $scene = Scene_Splash.new
  $scene.main while $scene != nil
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")
  print("Unable to find file #{filename}.")
I only changed the line that sets the initial Scene to our new Scene_Splash instead of Scene_Title.

As always good luck with it Reliez! :thumb:

My pleasure.



khmp":2u2wxd6m said:
# ** Scene_Splash
#  This class performs the splash screen processing.

class Scene_Splash < Scene_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  Splash_Image_Prefix = 'Splash'    # Splash Images begin with what string
  Splash_Dir = 'Graphics/Pictures/' # Directory where the splash images are
  Seconds_Per_Splash = 3            # Number of seconds to spend per splash
  FadeIn_Seconds = 1                # Number of seconds to fade in a splash
  FadeOut_Seconds = 1               # Number of seconds to fade out a splash
  Window_Width = 544                # Pixel width of the window.
  Window_Height = 416               # Pixel height of the window.
  Allow_Skip = true                 # Allow Splashes to be skipped via input
  # * Start processing
  def start
    # The current index we are at in our splash array.
    @splash_index = 0
    @cycle = 0
    @timer = 0
    # Figure out the time in terms of frames.
    @frames_per_fadein = FadeIn_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_screen = Seconds_Per_Splash * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_fadeout = FadeOut_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    # Gather the names of the images that will be the splash screens.
    @splash_screens = Dir[Splash_Dir + Splash_Image_Prefix + '*.*']
    for i in 0...@splash_screens.size
      @splash_screens[i] = @splash_screens[i].split('/').last.split('.')[0]
    # Create our sprite.
    @splash_sprite = Sprite.new
    @splash_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Window_Width, Window_Height)
    @splash_sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If the image needs to be drawn.
    if @old_splash_index != @splash_index
      @old_splash_index = @splash_index
      splash = Bitmap.new(Splash_Dir + @splash_screens[@splash_index])
      rect_x = (Window_Width >> 1) - (splash.width >> 1)
      rect_y = (Window_Height >> 1) - (splash.height >> 1)
      draw_x = rect_x >= 0 ? rect_x : 0
      draw_y = rect_y >= 0 ? rect_y : 0
      splash_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, splash.width, splash.height)
      @splash_sprite.bitmap.blt(draw_x, draw_y, splash, splash_rect)
    @timer += 1
    case @cycle
    when 0
      @splash_sprite.opacity += (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadein
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 1
    when 1
      if @timer > @frames_per_screen
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 2
    when 2
      @splash_sprite.opacity -= (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadeout
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 0
        @splash_index += 1
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_index == @splash_screens.size
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && Allow_Skip
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @splash_sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @splash_sprite.bitmap.disposed?
    @splash_sprite.dispose unless @splash_sprite.disposed?
I think I met all the requirements. Images can be prefixed 'Splash' with a number trailing. The number trailing tells the order that the splash will appear in. 'Splash000' comes before 'Splash001' for example. This is done for you automatically. No need to fill in an array or hash with your splash screen names. Splash screens are automatically centered on screen if they are smaller than the screen. If the splash is larger I take the center of the image. The splash images fade in and out over a period of second(s) which are defined in the constants. These constants can of course be changed to better suit your needs. If you have any questions on it let me know.

There is one final detail. We must make a change to the code in "Main". Replace it with:
# ** Main
#  After defining each class, actual processing begins here.

  $scene = Scene_Splash.new
  $scene.main while $scene != nil
rescue Errno::ENOENT
  filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")
  print("Unable to find file #{filename}.")
I only changed the line that sets the initial Scene to our new Scene_Splash instead of Scene_Title.

As always good luck with it Reliez! :thumb:
Wow, thank you so much! :D
This is exactly what I needed. :]
Once again, thank you so much for you generosity!

At the cost of sounding too bothersome, is there a way to play a little background music for each splash screen?
Sorry, if it's to much trouble . . .



For each screen? Or throughout the whole scene? Here's the code for the whole scene:
# ** Scene_Splash
#  This class performs the splash screen processing.

class Scene_Splash < Scene_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  Splash_Image_Prefix = 'Splash'    # Splash Images begin with what string
  Splash_Dir = 'Graphics/Pictures/' # Directory where the splash images are
  Seconds_Per_Splash = 3            # Number of seconds to spend per splash
  FadeIn_Seconds = 1                # Number of seconds to fade in a splash
  FadeOut_Seconds = 1               # Number of seconds to fade out a splash
  Window_Width = 544                # Pixel width of the window.
  Window_Height = 416               # Pixel height of the window.
  Allow_Skip = true                 # Allow Splashes to be skipped via input
  Splash_BGM = 'Airship'            # Title of the BGM to play.
  # * Start processing
  def start
    # The current index we are at in our splash array.
    @splash_index = 0
    @cycle = 0
    @timer = 0
    # Figure out the time in terms of frames.
    @frames_per_fadein = FadeIn_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_screen = Seconds_Per_Splash * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_fadeout = FadeOut_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    # Gather the names of the images that will be the splash screens.
    @splash_screens = Dir[Splash_Dir + Splash_Image_Prefix + '*.*']
    for i in 0...@splash_screens.size
      @splash_screens[i] = @splash_screens[i].split('/').last.split('.')[0]
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_screens.empty?
    RPG::BGM.new(Splash_BGM, 100, 100).play
    # Create our sprite.
    @splash_sprite = Sprite.new
    @splash_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Window_Width, Window_Height)
    @splash_sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    return if @splash_screens.empty?
    # If the image needs to be drawn.
    if @old_splash_index != @splash_index && !@splash_screens.empty?
      @old_splash_index = @splash_index
      splash = Bitmap.new(Splash_Dir + @splash_screens[@splash_index])
      rect_x = (Window_Width >> 1) - (splash.width >> 1)
      rect_y = (Window_Height >> 1) - (splash.height >> 1)
      draw_x = rect_x >= 0 ? rect_x : 0
      draw_y = rect_y >= 0 ? rect_y : 0
      splash_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, splash.width, splash.height)
      @splash_sprite.bitmap.blt(draw_x, draw_y, splash, splash_rect)
    @timer += 1
    case @cycle
    when 0
      @splash_sprite.opacity += (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadein
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 1
    when 1
      if @timer > @frames_per_screen
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 2
    when 2
      @splash_sprite.opacity -= (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadeout
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 0
        @splash_index += 1
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_index == @splash_screens.size
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && Allow_Skip
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @splash_sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @splash_sprite.bitmap.disposed?
    @splash_sprite.dispose unless @splash_sprite.disposed?

And here's if you wanted each splash to have a BGM. Just make sure the BGM has the same name as the splash screen. Its not required that every splash have a BGM. So it won't crash if you only have one splash with music or even no music.
# ** Scene_Splash
#  This class performs the splash screen processing.

class Scene_Splash < Scene_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  Splash_Image_Prefix = 'Splash'    # Splash Images begin with what string
  Splash_Dir = 'Graphics/Pictures/' # Directory where the splash images are
  Seconds_Per_Splash = 3            # Number of seconds to spend per splash
  FadeIn_Seconds = 1                # Number of seconds to fade in a splash
  FadeOut_Seconds = 1               # Number of seconds to fade out a splash
  Window_Width = 544                # Pixel width of the window.
  Window_Height = 416               # Pixel height of the window.
  Allow_Skip = true                 # Allow Splashes to be skipped via input
  # * Start processing
  def start
    # The current index we are at in our splash array.
    @splash_index = 0
    @cycle = 0
    @timer = 0
    # Figure out the time in terms of frames.
    @frames_per_fadein = FadeIn_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_screen = Seconds_Per_Splash * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_fadeout = FadeOut_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    # Gather the names of the images that will be the splash screens.
    @splash_screens = Dir[Splash_Dir + Splash_Image_Prefix + '*.*']
    for i in 0...@splash_screens.size
      @splash_screens[i] = @splash_screens[i].split('/').last.split('.')[0]
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_screens.empty?
    # Create our sprite.
    @splash_sprite = Sprite.new
    @splash_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Window_Width, Window_Height)
    @splash_sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    return if @splash_screens.empty?
    # If the image needs to be drawn.
    if @old_splash_index != @splash_index && !@splash_screens.empty?
      @old_splash_index = @splash_index
        RPG::BGM.new(@splash_screens[@splash_index], 100, 100).play
      splash = Bitmap.new(Splash_Dir + @splash_screens[@splash_index])
      rect_x = (Window_Width >> 1) - (splash.width >> 1)
      rect_y = (Window_Height >> 1) - (splash.height >> 1)
      draw_x = [rect_x, 0].max
      draw_y = [rect_y, 0].max
      splash_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, splash.width, splash.height)
      @splash_sprite.bitmap.blt(draw_x, draw_y, splash, splash_rect)
    @timer += 1
    case @cycle
    when 0
      @splash_sprite.opacity += (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadein
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 1
    when 1
      if @timer > @frames_per_screen
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 2
        Audio.bgm_fade(FadeOut_Seconds * 1000)
    when 2
      @splash_sprite.opacity -= (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadeout
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 0
        @splash_index += 1
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_index == @splash_screens.size
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && Allow_Skip
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @splash_sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @splash_sprite.bitmap.disposed?
    @splash_sprite.dispose unless @splash_sprite.disposed?

Good luck with it Reliez! :thumb:



khmp":2ffofuu9 said:
For each screen? Or throughout the whole scene? Here's the code for the whole scene:
# ** Scene_Splash
#  This class performs the splash screen processing.

class Scene_Splash < Scene_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  Splash_Image_Prefix = 'Splash'    # Splash Images begin with what string
  Splash_Dir = 'Graphics/Pictures/' # Directory where the splash images are
  Seconds_Per_Splash = 3            # Number of seconds to spend per splash
  FadeIn_Seconds = 1                # Number of seconds to fade in a splash
  FadeOut_Seconds = 1               # Number of seconds to fade out a splash
  Window_Width = 544                # Pixel width of the window.
  Window_Height = 416               # Pixel height of the window.
  Allow_Skip = true                 # Allow Splashes to be skipped via input
  Splash_BGM = 'Airship'            # Title of the BGM to play.
  # * Start processing
  def start
    # The current index we are at in our splash array.
    @splash_index = 0
    @cycle = 0
    @timer = 0
    # Figure out the time in terms of frames.
    @frames_per_fadein = FadeIn_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_screen = Seconds_Per_Splash * Graphics.frame_rate
    @frames_per_fadeout = FadeOut_Seconds * Graphics.frame_rate
    # Gather the names of the images that will be the splash screens.
    @splash_screens = Dir[Splash_Dir + Splash_Image_Prefix + '*.*']
    for i in 0...@splash_screens.size
      @splash_screens[i] = @splash_screens[i].split('/').last.split('.')[0]
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_screens.empty?
    RPG::BGM.new(Splash_BGM, 100, 100).play
    # Create our sprite.
    @splash_sprite = Sprite.new
    @splash_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Window_Width, Window_Height)
    @splash_sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    return if @splash_screens.empty?
    # If the image needs to be drawn.
    if @old_splash_index != @splash_index && !@splash_screens.empty?
      @old_splash_index = @splash_index
      splash = Bitmap.new(Splash_Dir + @splash_screens[@splash_index])
      rect_x = (Window_Width >> 1) - (splash.width >> 1)
      rect_y = (Window_Height >> 1) - (splash.height >> 1)
      draw_x = rect_x >= 0 ? rect_x : 0
      draw_y = rect_y >= 0 ? rect_y : 0
      splash_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, splash.width, splash.height)
      @splash_sprite.bitmap.blt(draw_x, draw_y, splash, splash_rect)
    @timer += 1
    case @cycle
    when 0
      @splash_sprite.opacity += (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadein
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 1
    when 1
      if @timer > @frames_per_screen
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 2
    when 2
      @splash_sprite.opacity -= (255 / @frames_per_fadein)
      if @timer > @frames_per_fadeout
        @timer = 0
        @cycle = 0
        @splash_index += 1
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if @splash_index == @splash_screens.size
    $scene = Scene_Title.new if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && Allow_Skip
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @splash_sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @splash_sprite.bitmap.disposed?
    @splash_sprite.dispose unless @splash_sprite.disposed?

Yeah, for each screen, just like a little jingle that plays for that slide. ^^;

Sorry for being so bothersome . . .

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