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[VX] Party Changer

@ TiamatDragon8888
Yes I'm aware of this bug and I have a fixed version at home. The problem is in the Multiple Parties script, which tries to use the Game_Parties class before it is initialized. I'll try to release it soon.

@Kenny1264, Sawnik
Thanks for the report. I don't recall seeing this error before. I'll tryy to fix it ASAP. ;)

Thank you, I'm glad you like my scripts!

I'm sorry for the lack of update, I've very busy right now with my work and my FF6 SDK and I don't have time to release any new scripts or update them. But I'll get back to you soon with lots of updates and new scripts!

Take care
i need help with the party changer. i have this character named johnny who becomes part of your party for a mission, but then he leaves once the mission is done. what can i do so that johnny will be deleted from the "reserves" menu created by this script? the problem if he doesn't is that once someone no longer has him in the party, he is still in the reserves, and can add him back whenever they want, but i don't want that to happen.

i'm guessing i have to do a "script" event command, but i don't know what to write in it.

please help, thanks
Hi Josh,

It's easy, use a call script command and type $game_party.remove_reserve_actor(actor_id)
Where actor_id is the ID of the actor you want to remove from the party.

That's all!
thanks dargor!

btw, i want to ask you, since you seem to be pretty great with scripting:

how can i get the menu selection cursor to stop blinking? you know, the box that goes around the selected text, the way it fades in and out repeatedly...it's not such a big deal, but i thought it would look nicer if it didn't fade in and out...
It's not possible to change that unless you have a rewritten Window class for VX.
However, if you're familiar with Ruby, you could easily create your own cursor rect script and erase the cursor rect in the bitmap.
Hm. I think I may be doing something wrong. I have the script working and everything but a few things I'm bumping into...

I removed a character from my party, that I'd like to have come back later, but she still gets exp. I also tried to lock two other party members into the reserve party and they won't seem to go. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

$game_actors[2].reserve_locked = true
$game_actors[3].reserve_locked = true


EDIT: nevermind I got it. :D I just actually took some time to read the entire forum and figured it out.
Alright, ’tis me again. I’m having a problem.
First of all, if I’m getting this right “$game_actors[1].party_locked = true” and “$game_system.forced_party = [1]” have pretty much the same effect; although, by using the latter you may lock multiple actors at once. Also, to force someone to be in the party automatically locks him.

Here’s the trouble:
1) It seems that locked characters can’t be rearranged. That means that when the locked leader dies, the script would automatically switch to the other one, which is great, *but*, if you go to “Menu/Arrange” the game will freeze.

I have gone through the pages and haven’t found this. But, if you already have replied to this, forgive me.
Thanks anyway! Still a big fan of yours!
Dargor I love this script but is it still supported? If so I am trying to figure out how to force an actor to be in the party when creating multiple parties. I tried locking in the actor but that causes the actor to be required in both parties. Any suggestions?
Well done, but there's an error whenever I try to open the changer. It gives me an error:
Script 'Party Switcher' line 1196: NoMethodError occured.


undefined method `max_members' for #<Game_Party:0x14919f0>

Help, please? It's probably a single number, but that line doesn't hlep.
It's because this script also requires my [VX] Large Party script.
Make sure you also have the latest version of the Custom Commands script.

Let me know if you still having problems.

Take care!
hmmm that's odd... It seems like the RGSS Sprite class is not defined.
Make sure all the custom scripts are place bellow the default scripts but above Main.

If it still doesn't work then I'll take a look at it as soon as possible.

Take care
Hey Dargor Great Script!
It works perfectly with the project I am working on.

I am having one issue though it seems when I am in the party changing screen.
$scene = Scene_PartyChanger.new
Whenever I press 'Reset' The game freezes?
I have Actor[1] forced into the party.

Not sure If I am missing something or done something wrong here or maybe just a minor bug in the script. Any help would be very appreciated.

Is there a Script, that when the Characters, which aren't in the Order, but not in the Party, get also EXP?

Hope for an answer...

And how can i use this Script with ATB and Sideview Tenkentai-Script?



I am having some dificulties with your script. I have Custom Commands, Large Party and your party changer scripts loaded and in that order, and I am using no other scripts. When I go to access the party menu I get the following error.

Script 'Party Changer' line 1196: NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method 'max_members' for #<Game_Party:0x16a1320>

And when I attempt to access the Order menu I get:

Script 'Party Changer' line 1499: NoMethod Error occurred.
undefined method 'set_selection_recy' for #<window_MenueStatus:0x18ae788>

I must be doing something wrong but for the life of me I do not know what, any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


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