Necro's Twilight BattlesVersion: 1.0
By: Matt Kaes (Necro_100000)
So this is a simple script that I thought would be a really cool addition to anyone's game. It takes the normal background for any battle (You know the wavy one if your not using any battle back scripts.) Well it takes that and changes it slowly in to different colors in a 255 format slowly up and down for each color. It makes a real memorizing effect...
All the same I just made this script and I love it! I think it's an awesome script and no one's tried it before right?
It runs smoothly now. Well at least for me now. Thanks Kain Noble.
<Post a bulleted list of features here. This section is optional.>
Now focus on the background and imagine it changing colors.
I don't have a demo up right now but It's 1 AM =P Maybe tomorrow...
No resources or graphics are needed! Simply place this script ABOVE ALL IMPORTED SCRIPTS! ^_^ and everything will be A Okay!
Works with the side view battle system as you can see from the screen shot.
None ATM
Compatible with everything! However I hope to make it consume less RAM...
Credits and Thanks
Myself! This wasn't really inspired by anything or anyone... It just kinda came to me.
Author's Notes
Sorry it took me so long to fix this..... I was finishing up my first full game and got a bit distant with the forums. ANYWAY. I've fixed it now and removed a lot, if not all the lag, and I removed the crashing error. It should work now. Hopefully. Hope you guys enjoy the script!
Terms and Conditions
Feel free to use it and do with it as you please! Even fell free to change it if you want. But give a guy a break and just throw him some credit? Thanks guys.
By: Matt Kaes (Necro_100000)
So this is a simple script that I thought would be a really cool addition to anyone's game. It takes the normal background for any battle (You know the wavy one if your not using any battle back scripts.) Well it takes that and changes it slowly in to different colors in a 255 format slowly up and down for each color. It makes a real memorizing effect...
All the same I just made this script and I love it! I think it's an awesome script and no one's tried it before right?
It runs smoothly now. Well at least for me now. Thanks Kain Noble.
<Post a bulleted list of features here. This section is optional.>
- Creates a colorful background for your battle's!
- Even in battle it constantly changes colors!
- Plug and Play! No editing needed! Also compatible with all (That I've tired) Scripts!
- NOW WORKS WITH ALLLLLLLLL CUSTOM BATTLE TYPES! ... Even the tactics one but it's kinda weird....

Now focus on the background and imagine it changing colors.
I don't have a demo up right now but It's 1 AM =P Maybe tomorrow...
# Necro_100000's (Matt Kaes) Twilight battle script.
# ** Spriteset_Battle
# Â This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the
# Scene_Battle class.
class Spriteset_Battle
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  @Color = 255
  @Color1 = 3
  @Color2 = 3
 # * Create Viewport
 def create_viewports
  @viewport1 =, 0, 544, 416)
  @viewport2 =, 0, 544, 416)
  @viewport3 =, 0, 544, 416)
  @viewport2.z = 50
  @viewport3.z = 100
 # * Create Battleback Sprite
 def create_battleback
  source = $game_temp.background_bitmap
  bitmap =, 480)
  bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect)
  bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12)
  @battleback_sprite =
  @battleback_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
  @battleback_sprite.ox = 320
  @battleback_sprite.oy = 240
  @battleback_sprite.x = 272
  @battleback_sprite.y = 176
  @battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 8
  @battleback_sprite.wave_length = 240
  @battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 120
   source = $game_temp.background_bitmap
  bitmap =, 480)
  bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect)
  bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12)
  @battleback_sprite2 =
  @battleback_sprite2.bitmap = bitmap
  @battleback_sprite.ox = 320
  @battleback_sprite.oy = 240
  @battleback_sprite.x = 272
  @battleback_sprite.y = 176
  @battleback_sprite2.blend_type = 2
  @battleback_sprite2.z = 1
  @battleback_sprite2.opacity = 155
 # * Create Battlefloor Sprite
 def create_battlefloor
  @battlefloor_sprite =
  @battlefloor_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("BattleFloor")
  @battlefloor_sprite.x = 0
  @battlefloor_sprite.y = 192
  @battlefloor_sprite.z = 0
  @battlefloor_sprite.opacity = 128
 # * Create Enemy Sprite
 def create_enemies
  @enemy_sprites = []
  for enemy in $game_troop.members.reverse
   @enemy_sprites.push(, enemy))
 # * Create Actor Sprite
 #   By default, the actor image is not displayed, but a dummy sprite is
 #   created for treating enemies and allies the same, if required.
 def create_actors
  @actor_sprites = []
 # * Create Picture Sprite
 def create_pictures
  @picture_sprites = []
  for i in 1..20
 # * Create Timer Sprite
 def create_timer
  @timer_sprite =
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
 # * Dispose of Battleback Bitmap
 def dispose_battleback_bitmap
 # * Dispose of Battleback Sprite
 def dispose_battleback
 # * Dispose of Battlefloor Sprite
 def dispose_battlefloor
 # * Dispose of Enemy Sprite
 def dispose_enemies
  for sprite in @enemy_sprites
 # * Dispose of Actor Sprite
 def dispose_actors
  for sprite in @actor_sprites
 # * Dispose of Picture Sprite
 def dispose_pictures
  for sprite in @picture_sprites
 # * Dispose of Timer Sprite
 def dispose_timer
 # * Dispose of Viewport
 def dispose_viewports
 # * Frame Update
 def update
 # * Update Battleback
 def update_battleback
  @battleback_sprite2.color =,@Color1,@Color2)
  if @Color == 255
   @Color2 -= 3
   if @Color2 == 0
    @Color2 = 3   Â
    @Color1 += 3
  if @Color1 == 255
   @Color -= 3
   if @Color == 0
    @Color = 3
    @Color2 += 3
  if @Color2 == 255
   @Color1 -= 3
   if @Color1 == 0
    @Color1 = 3   Â
    @Color += 3
 # * Update Battlefloor
 def update_battlefloor
 # * Update Enemy Sprite
 def update_enemies
  for sprite in @enemy_sprites
 # * Update Actor Sprite
 def update_actors
  @actor_sprites[0].battler = $game_party.members[0]
  @actor_sprites[1].battler = $game_party.members[1]
  @actor_sprites[2].battler = $game_party.members[2]
  @actor_sprites[3].battler = $game_party.members[3]
  for sprite in @actor_sprites
 # *Update Picture Sprite
 def update_pictures
  for sprite in @picture_sprites
 # * Update Timer Sprite
 def update_timer
 # * Update Viewport
 def update_viewports
  @viewport1.tone = $game_troop.screen.tone
  @viewport1.ox = $game_troop.screen.shake
  @viewport2.color = $game_troop.screen.flash_color
  @viewport3.color.set(0, 0, 0, 255 - $game_troop.screen.brightness)
 # * Determine if animation is being displayed
 def animation?
  for sprite in @enemy_sprites + @actor_sprites
   return true if sprite.animation?
  return false
No resources or graphics are needed! Simply place this script ABOVE ALL IMPORTED SCRIPTS! ^_^ and everything will be A Okay!
Works with the side view battle system as you can see from the screen shot.
None ATM
Compatible with everything! However I hope to make it consume less RAM...
Credits and Thanks
Myself! This wasn't really inspired by anything or anyone... It just kinda came to me.
Author's Notes
Sorry it took me so long to fix this..... I was finishing up my first full game and got a bit distant with the forums. ANYWAY. I've fixed it now and removed a lot, if not all the lag, and I removed the crashing error. It should work now. Hopefully. Hope you guys enjoy the script!
Terms and Conditions
Feel free to use it and do with it as you please! Even fell free to change it if you want. But give a guy a break and just throw him some credit? Thanks guys.