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[VX] Leveling Weapons System



Fox: I had already answered this in an earlier post please check pervious posts.

Akin":3jr0vh8g said:
Innoccence: yes its possible, but I don't plan of adding that kinda thing myself in the near future. Maybe somewhere down the road I will, but if your interested in modifying my script, the line of code that calls for a weapon to level up is this
# weapon input is where you input the weapon that you want to level up
# you can set up any kind of system or menu you want and call this to
# execute on any weapon, and that weapon will be leveled.
Akin":326mdnnr said:
Fox: I had already answered this in an earlier post please check pervious posts.

Akin":326mdnnr said:
Innoccence: yes its possible, but I don't plan of adding that kinda thing myself in the near future. Maybe somewhere down the road I will, but if your interested in modifying my script, the line of code that calls for a weapon to level up is this
# weapon input is where you input the weapon that you want to level up
# you can set up any kind of system or menu you want and call this to
# execute on any weapon, and that weapon will be leveled.
Sorry for the double-request... Just saw it now... TY



Another question. Is it possible to store the weapon levels in a variable? I'm wondering because the variable is supposed to help me set the conditional branch of when to change the weapon's name and description.
Two questions: first, is there a way to make it so that you get it to the max level, it checks to see if you have a certain item, then if you do you can "evolve" it into another item and get rid of the two materials used to make it?

Bob levels up his Sword of Laziness to the maximum, 3. (Hey, it's the sword of Laziness for a reason!) He has the Reversal Orb, so it becomes the Sword of Speed.

Second, can you explain how to give each type of weapon a different max level?
(EXAMPLE: Bob's Sword of Speed has a max level of 50)



Hero: $data_weapons[n].level with n replaced by the weapon's id number should give you the weapons level. However, just changing the value of level won't have any effect on the weapon's stats.

Demosthenes2k8: Use events and $data_weapons[n].level for the first part.

As far as giving each weapon its own max stat.

      #--------Item Max Level-------------A34sZ1A -----------------------
      # Change the number after "if equiped_weapon.level >="
      # to whatever you want the max weapon level to be
      if equiped_weapon.level >= 20
      #--------Item Max Level End----- ---A34sZ1A -----------------------

is the area of code that govern's max level. You'd have to add in some more ifs depending on specific weapons but that's the area of the script that handles that kind of thing if you want to edit it yourself.

D3wil666: I have no plans on doing this for XP.
is it possible to add each weapon has certain percentage be upgrade to another level otherwise it will return to level 0., for example when a weapon upgrades from level 3 to level 4 there is 80% possibility to upgrade and from level 4 to 5 there is 60%......
Quite the necropost here, but I notice people had some questions unanswered. People wanted to figure out how to set the max level for each weapon differently. If Akin could set it up to use the note area of each weapon as a means to set the maximum level then you would just need to say put <upgrade> mlvl 3 <upgrade> in the notepad and this would set the maximum level to 3. Then say be able to put <upgrade> none <upgrade> for weapons that are unable to be leveled up.



this code didn't work for me. there is an error with the game interpreter.

is it possible to change the weapon's variable back to 0?



how can i use a conditional branch so that the player can only do something if a certain weapon is a certain level?

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