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[VX] Junction System

That's weird, It's the first time I see this bug.

First of all, do you have any other scripts? If so, can you please list them for me? (Their names, not the whole script :P)
Second thing, what have you done before encountering this error? Is there any steps to take to reproduce this bug?

Also, I have a text version of the script, everything is placed in 1 single script. And make sure you are using the latest version.

Take care!



another arror too in Costum Command Script Line 425,that happen after i use
Junction system=>Ability and after i take an encounter...

http://www.4shared.com/file/118415837/1 ... tled2.html]
Thanks, but you haven't answered my questions. It will be easier for me to help you if you give me these informations.

About how to use the script; you simply need to edit the constants in the Junction module. Read the comments, they should help. ;) Also, use the Ability Editor that comes with the demo to create your own abilities.

Take care!



I want to make Summon skill and Draw skill is available for each summon,
on your DEMO,only chaos can make actor has a Summon and Draw skill..
OK, can you please tell me:

1: do you use any other custom scripts? If yes, which scripts are you using?
2: Were you doing something special when the crash happened?
3: Which version of the script are you using?

Now, to add an Ability to a summon, find "Summon_Abilities = {" at the beginning of the script. It should be around line 20 or 30. Add an ability by using this syntax: Actor_ID => { Level => [Ability_ID]}
You can refer to the script comments if you don't know how to setup something. The syntax is explained everywhere.



1.i use SBS 2.6,Kylock'2 Bow add on,Large Party by Dargor,and your Junction script.
2.No,it's ok i have solve this problem
3.I'm using your Junction Script.

btw i place Quezalcoalt summon as an actor with ID no.8
then i type in the script like this:
Summon_Abilities = {
8 => {2 => [3], 3 => [2]}

It still can't add Draw and Summon ability

How to make a Summon is learn something then it Level up?

Hmm Mr.Dargor teo more thing,your Draw Command cannot be used on Side Battle System,is it?

and the magic is won't decrease if i use it..

Hey Mr'Dargor can you give me an ATB script that can combine with your Junction script?

please i need it...

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