Fist off I would like to say thank you for making such a well programed script. However I'm stuck on the unlocking part of the script. I do know a few Programing languages, however I don't know anything about Ruby and have yet taken the time to learn the language.
# This is an Alteration Of a Piece of Prexus' Script. It Has Been Altered
# Such That You Can Unlock Jobs in a Final Fantasy V Manner. While This
# Is Slightly Confusing, It Is Rather Easy To Implement. In The Code Below,
# There is a Marked Section Where, If You Want The Jobs Unlocking System,
# You Will Alter The Line As Indicated Below, Else, Leave it Alone.
# The n Below, Is to be Replaced With The ID of a Variable. In Order To Use
# The Job Unlocking System, You Must Set Variable n to a Number. If The
# Variable is Set to 1, All Jobs Are Available. If the Variable Is Set Greater
# Than 1, For Each Unit Above One, One Job Will Be Left Off The Job Selection
# List. So, If The Variable Is 2, The Last Class In Your Classes Tab Will
# Be Left Off The List. In Order to Unlock Jobs, Begin The Game With A Higher
# Variable Number, and When New Jobs Are Unlocked, Simply Alter The Variable
# To a Lower Number, Eventually Reaching 1 (ie. All Jobs Available)
# This Can Additionally Be Used To Create Classes Which The Player Is Never
# Aloowed To Select. Simply Make The Unselectable Class The Lowest Class In
# The Classes Tab. Then, Make The Variable Never Equal to One. In This Way,
# This Class Will Never Be "Unlocked".
class Window_ClassPick < Window_Selectable
def initialize(member = nil)
super(48, 178, 256, 158)
#@item_max = $data_classes.size - 1 # Replace 1 with $game_variables.[]

#From the explanation from above this is what I understand how to implement this code.
$test = 5
@item_max = $data_classes.size - $game_variables.[]($test)
#Then change the code through the Event commands >> advance >> script
#however when I do it this way all the jobs show. I am missing something and am in hopes that
#someone could explain how to set this up properly.
@member = member
self.index = -1 = false
Thank you for your time.