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[VX] FF4 Template (PA)

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Awesome Bro

Well, I've had the VX trial since yesterday, and though about making a template, First I tried a normal person, but it seemed too small, so I thought to myself, since VX is more userfriendly, and easy to use, I thought, why not make a template like that ? So here it is, the Legoman Template (?)


The only three that might even be used are the bottom right three, as their human colours, but the others can easily be changed colour for anything else, like maybe aliens, or robots etc.

I've added shading to the bottom right template, only the walking down sprites, Is that better?

What do you think ? Try not to flame, if you think its bad, say so, but in a mild manner.
There's no shading which gives it a slightly dull effect. Alos when standing still sideways it has lots of black at the front. Still room for improvment but good attemped. I'd suggest sliming down the body and giving it a little round thing on top of head. Like real lego so you could stick hair or hats on.
What in god's name...

Do you lack any common sense?  The fact that you didn't shade it alone should be a pretty good clue that this wasn't ready to be posted.  Not to mention that the name is highly misleading since it looks nothing like a Lego character.


Awesome Bro

windsaver":9yc0ipbn said:
There's no shading which gives it a slightly dull effect. Alos when standing still sideways it has lots of black at the front. Still room for improvment but good attemped. I'd suggest sliming down the body and giving it a little round thing on top of head. Like real lego so you could stick hair or hats on.

Thanks, I'll see what I can do about it.


Awesome Bro

It does look pretty awful. Shade it slightly and see where you end up then. Also, for this to be used at all you're probably going to have to compliment it with tilesets. Otherwise they'll look shocking with the standard.



It's obvious that not a lot of effort went into this. For one thing, something as unshaded and saturated as that will hardly fit anything you put it in. This resembles about twenty minutes of work, and doesn't seem to be anywhere in the vicinity of a finished product. Before you contribute something, make sure you know it'll be useful, rather than just tossing out as many things as you can knock off in the hopes that you'll be credited in something prestigious.


Awesome Bro

@ Stevo and Miek, don't worry, if I can get into the hang of knowing where things go on a tileset, I'll be making my own, I'm shading the character as we speak, going to sprite an example one.

Does anyone else think the tileset is laid out wierd on VX, or is it just that I'm used to XP ?

Edit ---
I've shaded the walking down on the bottom right template.


Awesome Bro

Hmm, so what do you suggest I do for the shading, make that squared too ? Lol.

Making an example character so I'll post it soon.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone and keep it up, I want to make this a good template, lol.
If you want to use that kind of shading, make the character more rounded and not so stiff.

If you want to keep the retarded blocky look, go for cell shading.


Awesome Bro

Ah, Now I get what you mean Atemu, so what I'll do is, I'll finish off this guy see what it's like animated, and then do cellshading and put it side by side with what I have now and let you all have a vote or something, see which is best. Thanks for the idea :thumb:
I'll be honest here, Jbrist.

If you were going to use this to make a game in the style of say, Final Fantasy 4 or 5, this template would be PERFECT.  It's just like the art style in those games.

for anything else, though, it kind of falls short.

Market it as a 'FF4 sprite template' with a few examples and run with it - you won't get anything else any other way.

Edit: to see what i mean, take your sprite, a screenshot from FF4, and try redoing Cecil the dark knight.  I honestly think this template could do that sprite justice.


Awesome Bro

Dissonance":2pqbw5ah said:
I'll be honest here, Jbrist.

If you were going to use this to make a game in the style of say, Final Fantasy 4 or 5, this template would be PERFECT.  It's just like the art style in those games.

for anything else, though, it kind of falls short.

Market it as a 'FF4 sprite template' with a few examples and run with it - you won't get anything else any other way.

Edit: to see what i mean, take your sprite, a screenshot from FF4, and try redoing Cecil the dark knight.  I honestly think this template could do that sprite justice.

Wow, you know, your right, this would fit in with it, lol, I guess the name can be changed, haha.
God, Diss, can I kill you for giving him that idea?

FF4 looks nothing like this.  For one, it's not nearly so... SQUARE.  And for another, there is more movement in those tiny sprites than that... that... UGLY ASS block THING.



FF4's sprite work was good for sixteen bits, but so many people overlook that when they're going to try updating FFWhatever's template to 32-bit glory, they shouldn't overlook the fact that the sprites actually had shapes

This looks awful in action. There's no tangible human form anywhere to be found, the movement is robotic, and it's so wide everywhere that I shed a tear for all the space wasted. They look like... cavemen... made out of... clay?

Mi Jesus Montoya de la Noche! I'm at a loss for words!


Awesome Bro

"They look like... cavemen... made out of... clay?"

LOL @ That.

Yeah, I just noticed nothing happens with the head or shoulders, lol, I'm going to change that right now.

Okay, made the shoulders move too, what about now ?
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