RMVX Evented Character Creation System V 1.2
The white outline around the character is because of my pathetic photoshop job. I blew up the image of the characters so the player could see better while choosing, but I used a white background and it gave me that damn choppy outline. I'll see about fixing these tonight. I hope it doesn't discourage your support.
Hey, guys. A few months ago I did a few in depth searches for a script for a character creation script. And it turns out that (as far as I can tell) There aren't any anywhere to be found in And since I'm kind of antisocial, and afraid to venture out of my domain, I never wander much further than what google sets out for me. So I figured that a character creation system is something that RMXP needed. But since I can't script my way out of a paper bag, I evented one.
This system is very simple at the moment, considering that the possibilities triple every single time you add a new hair color to the palette. However; I do plan on making the system a bit deeper as I learn more and become braver. Perhaps I'll take suggestions or requests for certain sprites that I can add on weekly and such... I have a hard time doing an enormous project, but little addons here and there suit me well. Anyway... on to the demo.
This is the demo
If anyone thinks that they'd like a tutorial on how to do this, I have a screen capture program, and I'm no stranger to youtube. Just send me a reply and let me know if you'd like to see deeper into the design.
Features for V1.2:
- 4 different hairstyles to choose from.
- 3 different armor types, light, medium, and heavy.
- Easy to use, and interesting interface.
- Simple to edit events, with comments, and completely customizable.
- Name input screen
- Save screen after character creation
- Info boxes for armor choices
New features for version 1.4 (Currently being reworked)
- New class creation system (This might become it's own topic and system, but for now, I'm going to add it in as an option you can turn on or off after you create your character.)
Coming soon:
- One more hairstyle.
- Male/Female choice. (I started on this, but got overwhelmed because I tried to add 9 more choices all at once and had to start over... geh. Soon though.)
- Beards for every hairstyle
- Every color for every hairstyle.
- New Armor choice: Dark Plate (Battlemage armor)
New ideas:
- Race selection. I'm going to go with an angel, demon, and dragonfly type race (The spritemaker I use has dragonfly wings lol)
- Class selection. This won't be included in the actual character creation screen, but throughout the game (probably a separate system
- Weapon style selection. Another thing I'll add after you're in the game. Possibly part of the class system.
If you have any ideas new features that you'd like to see please, reply and let me know.
(This can include new sprites, hairstyles, classes, weapon styles, race suggestions, or anything between.)
I thrive on your critiques. The more replies, the faster I work. So flood the thread!

The white outline around the character is because of my pathetic photoshop job. I blew up the image of the characters so the player could see better while choosing, but I used a white background and it gave me that damn choppy outline. I'll see about fixing these tonight. I hope it doesn't discourage your support.
Hey, guys. A few months ago I did a few in depth searches for a script for a character creation script. And it turns out that (as far as I can tell) There aren't any anywhere to be found in And since I'm kind of antisocial, and afraid to venture out of my domain, I never wander much further than what google sets out for me. So I figured that a character creation system is something that RMXP needed. But since I can't script my way out of a paper bag, I evented one.
This system is very simple at the moment, considering that the possibilities triple every single time you add a new hair color to the palette. However; I do plan on making the system a bit deeper as I learn more and become braver. Perhaps I'll take suggestions or requests for certain sprites that I can add on weekly and such... I have a hard time doing an enormous project, but little addons here and there suit me well. Anyway... on to the demo.
If anyone thinks that they'd like a tutorial on how to do this, I have a screen capture program, and I'm no stranger to youtube. Just send me a reply and let me know if you'd like to see deeper into the design.
Features for V1.2:
- 4 different hairstyles to choose from.
- 3 different armor types, light, medium, and heavy.
- Easy to use, and interesting interface.
- Simple to edit events, with comments, and completely customizable.
- Name input screen
- Save screen after character creation
- Info boxes for armor choices
New features for version 1.4 (Currently being reworked)
- New class creation system (This might become it's own topic and system, but for now, I'm going to add it in as an option you can turn on or off after you create your character.)
Coming soon:
- One more hairstyle.
- Male/Female choice. (I started on this, but got overwhelmed because I tried to add 9 more choices all at once and had to start over... geh. Soon though.)
- Beards for every hairstyle
- Every color for every hairstyle.
- New Armor choice: Dark Plate (Battlemage armor)
New ideas:
- Race selection. I'm going to go with an angel, demon, and dragonfly type race (The spritemaker I use has dragonfly wings lol)
- Class selection. This won't be included in the actual character creation screen, but throughout the game (probably a separate system
- Weapon style selection. Another thing I'll add after you're in the game. Possibly part of the class system.
If you have any ideas new features that you'd like to see please, reply and let me know.
(This can include new sprites, hairstyles, classes, weapon styles, race suggestions, or anything between.)
I thrive on your critiques. The more replies, the faster I work. So flood the thread!