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[VX] Custom Commands



When I used with SBS + ATB 1.1 happened the following error.


Can You help me ??
Ok. I have a bit of a problem.
I put in the EquipLearnSkill script by KGC into my game.
And when I choose the command to view the skills i'm learning, ANOTHER command exactly like it appears beneath it.
These extra commands don't do anything! This all happened when I used your script.

Any advice?
Looks like the script is trying to get information from an battler that doesn't exist :/
It does that only with the ATB?

It happens in the main menu or in another manu?
Hi there. I am also getting the same error message as rftd.


I am using the current Tankentai SBS v3.3 + ATB. I was able to pass the error by removing the "Update Actor Command Selection" portion of the script, just to see what might happen. I ran into more errors afterward.


I saw that the order of the action menu was correct, but you would go through it out of order. When you press esc. to view the "fight/escape" menu, the Party Changer option is missing (i have the script plugged in and it works well outside of battle). Also, my selection is frozen on "fight" and i cannot switch to "escape". When I press enter, i get another error.


Is there a way to make the Custom Commands script compatible with the Tankentai SBS + ATB system? It would be great to be able to use your party changer script, since it's the only one I know that works with the multiple party script too. :)

Edit: I just got a new error regarding the Party Changer script when I enter battle:
"Script 'Dargor's Party Changer' line 1259: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'draw_item' for #<Window_PartyCommand2:0x17dd428>"

Indeed, this script isn't compatible with Takentai CBS. I tried to make it compatible a few weeks ago but this CBS doesn't like my scripts it seems... I'll check the CBS again and try to make it compatible with both ATB and non-ATB versions ;)

Take care!
Everything is explained in the script header.

You have to go in the configuration module at the begining of the script, locate the Icons hash and specify the icon ID for a command like that:

Icons = {
'My Command' => 100
Oh, ok now I understand why it's doing this. The Party Changer must be placed below the Custom Commands script and Vocab::Party is initialized in this script.
However, the Icons variable is located in the Custom Commands script and is initialized before the Party Changer. So if you ask the CC script to do something with Vocab::Party, it will give you this error because Vocab::Party is not defined/initialize yet.

I'm working on a little CC addon to the Party Changer, it should be available pretty soon.

There you go. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=42719
This version adds a CC configuration module to let you add icon to commands that belong to the Party Changer.

Take care!
Hey Darg,

'M' & 'W' getting squished

Brew":2vgzwy0o said:
There are 2 "draw_text" commands.

self.contents.draw_text(x + cx + 24, y + 2, cw, ch, c)

self.contents.draw_text(rect.x + cx, rect.y, cw, ch, c)

draw_text(x, y, width, height, text)

These are drawing one character, and 'cw' is getting set to the width of that specific character in the current font.
the "draw_text" method inherently will 'scrunch' text if it doesn't fit in the defined rectangle.

do a search on "draw_text", and replace 'cw' with 'cw + 10' (any arbitrary number to make it bigger).
This will give a larger rectangle to draw the character at it's full size.

I'll let Dargor know as well.
Yo Dargor...How do you add Icons to the Commands. I'm using your limit break script and a few others like the tankentai battlesystem. How would I make it that the limit command has an Icon for it. My game just seems a bit off without all the commands having a specific Icon...

I'll take a look at it now. Knowing my luck, there is probably a guide or help like in all your scripts....

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