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[VX] Character transformation

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Good script, but could you make an edit where you can use a skill also, and make it so that you can share the level your on with the monster and have it also have its own stat curves...( they may be in but im not sure( and that may require me making actors for the monsters..... but it would be nice))
But trust I have many more Ideas for this but I dont want to bury you in requests right now..
i love this script,
but im using the sideview battle system, and the character in the battle doesnt change to the monster.. it's still stays as the normal human character...
maybe you could help me out and make these compatible.. it's this one
i would definitely use this then
just so you know if you try to do this, that was the only problem i found with it.. you still keep the new skills that you get from the monster and before and after battle you are the monster, the only problem is the character graphics dont change in battle..

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