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[VX Ace] Adding Stats and Equips to Window_MenuStatus?!


Awesome Bro

Right, so the first thing is...

By defining the actor sprite (How was this not in MenuStatus anyway?!), I can display the character sprite on MenuStatus, which is great, however, all the sprites are bunched together instead of being set at their respective slot in the menu, if that makes sense?
Nevermind this one, lol... I was doing x, y instead of rect.x, rect.y LOL. Still need help with the second thing though.

The second thing is adding the character descriptions to MenuStatus, it's been driving me crazy... Cheers coyotecraft for the help on this :heart:

Last thing I need is to get the actor stats and equips to show on the same window now... I'd have a look myself but I'm off to bed, if I don't get any replies I'll take a gander myself, lol.



Awesome Bro

Window_MenuStatus and Window_Status are two completely different things... the first is what you see when you first open the menu, the latter is what you see when you actually select Status from the menu.
You could add this line as a start under the Window_Base in def draw_simple_status

draw_text(x , y + line_height * 2, width, line_height, actor.description)

not sure how you plan on rearranging the other elements to make it fit.


Awesome Bro

*Hits head on desk repeatedly*

How did I not think of that?!


And don't worry about it fitting, I've rearranged everything so it'll fit... although I'm trying to set the description to each actors section... apparently rect.x and rect.y don't work for this... disregard that last part, turns out I didn't need it afterall...

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