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Video Game Screenplay/Script format.

I am currently in the process of writing an RPG story. I have a quick question. How would the format of the story,dialogue,etc is set? Is it formatted on paper like an movie script...? or another way. Here's a sample on how I wrote it:

EXT. dark alleyway-Night

A woman is running through dark alleyways wearing a back pouch that has a baby in it. She is holding a sword in hand and is injured in the stomach area ...

young Woman:
Got to get away...got to get to the safety....

The woman is exhausted and kneel down under a stairway and being chanting a spell very softly.

young Woman:

Woman and baby on the back pouch slowly begin to vanish.

group of d'evils:
Where is she?!? We need that baby!!!

The group of the hideous demons run pass the staircase where the woman and the baby and hidden due to the spell she casted.

We'll be safe under here, I got cut...

*The format is actually in the movie screenplay format with the margins set and character dialogue and all but I could set it in this post.

Is this is a proper format of writing a video screenplay?

If not could you provide me with the proper format.

This clearly has very little work put into it, and no - your formatting isn't correct all across the board as if it were a film.

I do suggest you look at the program I use though for writing screenplays, although I can't recall if it has a...well, videogame setting - I think you'd be just as good to use a regular film setting and just adapt it to your means: Celtx
Surmuck":3czrp06q said:
This clearly has very little work put into it, and no - your formatting isn't correct all across the board as if it were a film.

I do suggest you look at the program I use though for writing screenplays, although I can't recall if it has a...well, videogame setting - I think you'd be just as good to use a regular film setting and just adapt it to your means: Celtx

I actually use Celtx, I just couldn't set the format correctly in this post. This was only a sample of what I have wrote. Any suggestions on how to improve?
No, because this needs a complete revision. Delete it and start again, because that's the only easy way out of what you have already.
Plan ahead when you go into writing. Like extensively ahead. Read over it before you post it on these forums, use the Scraps sticky for stuff your not sure needs a thread.

Use common sense and you will do fine in writing :D
I'm going to be honest, how you write a storyline may be vastly different to you than how someone else will prefer to.
There is no "correct" way.
I write mine as I write a book, I engross myself in a scene, then each time I re-read my imagination picks up another perspective and I can add to my game.
SOme people like simple script like designes with setting, plot etc....
To be honest it is what ever fits your writing preferance that will help you best.
Try multiple methods till you come up with something you like.

PS If you choose to do a game with depth and decide on doing a story like style such as me I suggest writing it in second person. It may be hard to start off with but you can dig deeper as well as helps you realise that someone is playing as the chaacter in your game. I prefere second person writing though so it may just be me.
Surmuck":1t2hubet said:
No, because this needs a complete revision. Delete it and start again, because that's the only easy way out of what you have already.
Plan ahead when you go into writing. Like extensively ahead. Read over it before you post it on these forums, use the Scraps sticky for stuff your not sure needs a thread.

Use common sense and you will do fine in writing :D

Thanks, I thought I'll change my format of writing the story...
I'm going to write an outline and then fill in the dialogue once it is done:


INT. House

Player wakes up in his bedroom and exits the house.

EXT. Front yard.

Player sees dog attacking small boy. Player grabs a stick and attack the dog.Player kills the dog. Boy thanks him saving him. The boy then invites him to his house for a gift.

INT. Boy's House

The boy gives the player a magical sword.


I think I'll go this route in writing the story and have a friend of mine fill in the dialogue.

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