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Victory calling

I'm not sure if this should go under support or script request, so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

I want to end a battle with a victory screen(EXP and such gained if possible) with out the enemys being killed. i.e. they're still on the screen but the battle is over.

Also I'd like to know how to force the player to retreat, I've tried the force action command but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the hero party.

Can any help me, make suggestions on how to actually do this or make/find a script that allows these two things?
Oops, forgot I've edited that.

For escaping:
Going through the default script it looks like you'd have to replay the map music & escape sound for that shortcut. Put this above main in the script editor to automate that:

class Scene_Battle
  def battle_escape

call it with a call script:

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