Well, the first two I DID NOT draw. I merely googled for black and white anime, to practice coloring with. Even when I did my art on paper, I always did black and white. I couldn't paint and I never found any other means of coloring my art without making it look like crap. Those were NOT DONE BY ME! I did not steal them, I just borrowed so I could attempt my version of coloring them. That's why they look good. Because I didn't draw them. lol Just colored 'em.
The third one was the first time I'd ever used photoshop to actually draw something, so I'm still very unsure of what kinds of brushes look good with what. In the past I've solely used photoshop to touch up photos, add effects, text and make banners, like the one in my signature. I didn't draw that either.
However; I did use that guy as a base to start the last drawing I did. That one I did completely. Could you critique that one for me? I'm going to play all day with my bamboo to see if I can find my style, and figure out which program works best for me. I have three that came with the tablet, and I haven't used any of them yet. I need to watch some tutorials on brushes and drawing I suppose. All the tutorials I've seen end with a very rough sketch then suddenly start painting and the sketchiness of the lines are totally gone! I don't know how to get rid of them! lol. So I'm just going to keep experimenting.
Thanks for the critiques. I'll post what I come up with today when it's finished. And I'll probably redo Rioko's jacket, which is the last picture I did.
EDIT: p.s. I love Juno, so I don't even care that it reminds you of that. XD And THAT is the one that I thought looked like a birthday card.
EDIT: Alright guys, all day I worked on this one using Photoshop Elements 5.0.3 I believe. I love the program for art, but can't stand it for editing photos, so I'm keeping my Photoshop 6.0 too. Anyway... this is what I came up with. The Mrs. saw the last/first one I did, and requested a "warrior princess" I tried really hard not to roll my eyes. She loves Sailor Moon, so I just kind of gave it a go. I like the style, but she's way too plain for me... no armor, no weapons, just some angry eyes and betty spaghetti legs. Please, critique me!
http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i132/ ... /Chloe.jpg[/img]
From what I can tell, it definitely lacks detail. But I'm still trying to get that part of the style down. I would love any suggestions you could hand out while you're picking the piece apart. Thank you!
Oh yeah! Here's a guy I played around with when I first installed the new photoshop. I call him Blink. There are billions of them in the world, but no one has ever seen one up close and personal. He's that thing everyone sees out of the corner of their eye, but when they turn, he's gone. : )
http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i132/ ... ited-2.jpg[/img]